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Up Directory CCL 06.05.29 Third International Symposium on Neural Networks, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Oct 22 00:51:29 2005
Subject: 06.05.29 Third International Symposium on Neural Networks, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Call for Papers

Third International Symposium on Neural Networks

May 29-31, 2006, Chengdu, Sichuan, China


The Third International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2006) will be
held in Chengdu, as a sequel of ISNN 2005 in Chongqing and ISNN 2004 in
Dalian, China. Chengdu is the capital of Sichuan (Szechwan) Province in
southwestern China, a modern metropolitan with 2310-year history and rich
cultural heritage, featuring relaxing lifestyle, spicy Szechwan cuisine, and
numerous historic and scenery sites nearby including three UNESCO World
Heritages (two cultural heritages: Dujiangyan--Qingcheng Mountain, Emei
Mountain--Leshan Giant Buddha, one natural heritage: Jiuzhaigou--Huanglong).
ISNN 2006 aims to provide a high-level international forum for scientists,
engineers, and educators to present the state of the art of neural network
research and applications in diverse fields. The symposium will feature
plenary speeches given by worldwide renowned scholars, regular sessions with
broad coverage, and some special sessions focusing on popular topics.

Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length papers (6 pages
normally and 10 pages maximum) by the submission deadline. Potential
organizers are also invited to enlist five or more papers with cohesive
topics to form special sessions. The submission of a paper implies that the
paper is original and has not been submitted under review or copyright
protected elsewhere and will be presented by an author if accepted. All
submitted papers will be refereed by experts in the field based on the
criteria of originality, significance, quality, and clarity. The authors of
accepted papers will have an opportunity to revise their papers and take
consideration of the referees' comments and suggestions. All papers accepted
and presented at ISNN2006 will be published by Springer as multiple volumes
of Lecture Notes in Computer Science which are indexed by SCI-Expanded.

ISNN2006 has teamed up with the International Journal of Neural Systems
(IJNS), one of the distinguished journals on neural networks, for publishing
a Special Issue on Advances in Neural Networks. All submitted papers will
have opportunities for consideration for this Special Issue. The selection
will be carried out during the review process as well as at the conference
presentation stage. The Editor-in-Chief of IJNS and the guest editors of the
Special Issues will make decisions on submitted papers based referees'
comments and recommendations, as well as quality and presentation of the
papers, and select around twenty five papers. Authors of selected
outstanding papers will be asked to substantially extend and revise their
papers with additional original materials for further rounds of peer review
under the practice of IJNS. These papers must be extended and updated in a
significant and substantive way so that the amount of overlap between
symposium paper and journal submission is no more than 50%. Prospective
authors should submit their manuscripts directly to the guest editors before
the deadline with a copy to the Editor-in-Chief. Submitted papers must not
be under consideration by any other journal for publication. The final
decision will be made based on peer review reports by the guest editors of
the special issue and the Editor-in-Chief jointly. 

Important dates:


Special session proposal (ISNN2006):
November 1, 2005
Paper submission (ISNN2006):
November 15, 2005
Notification of acceptance (ISNN2006):
December 15, 2005
Final paper submission (ISNN2006):
January 15, 2006
Paper submission (IJNS Special Issue):
June 30, 2006
Notification of acceptance (IJNS Special Issue):
December 31, 2006
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Modified: Sat Oct 22 04:51:29 2005 GMT
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