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Up Directory CCL 05.11.09 Euro Meeting on Drug Discovery Applications of Cheminformatics and Modelling, Basel, CH
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Oct 22 00:58:12 2005
Subject: 05.11.09 Euro Meeting on Drug Discovery Applications of Cheminformatics and Modelling, Basel, CH
Conference Center, Basel, Switzerland, November 9-10, 2005

eCheminfo European Autumn 2005 InterAction Meeting

The eCheminfo European Autumn 2005 meeting will be taking place at the 
Swissotel Lentre Conference Center, Basel, Switzerland, November 9-10. 
Program information and registration is available through the eCheminfo 
website at

The theme of the meeting is the application of cheminformatics and chemical 
modelling to drug discovery and will include the following sessions:

Virtual Screening, Docking & Scoring, chaired by Miklos Vargyas (ChemAxon); 
Web-based Services in Drug Design, chaired by Kim Henrick (European 
Bioinformatics Institute); Computational Biochemistry, chaired by 
Alessandro Curioni (IBM Zurich); Applications of Machine Learning & Graph 
Mining in Drug Discovery, chaired by Stefan Kramer (Technische Universitaet 
Muenchen); Biosensors & Nanofluidics, Nick Quirke (Imperial College 
London); Protein Folding and Dynamics, chaired by Wilfred van Gunsteren 

Invited Speakers include:
Graham Richards (University of Oxford), Xavier Barril (Vernalis), Amedeo 
Caflisch (ETH-Zurich), David Morley (Enspiral Discovery Ltd), Didier Rognan 
(University of Strasbourg), Dimitris Dimitropoulos (European Bioinformatics 
Institute), Johann Gasteiger (Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg), Simon Coles 
(University of Southampton), Eugene Krissinel (European Bioinformatics 
Institute), Torsten Schwede (University of Basel), Paul Tavan (University 
of Munich), Ursula Roethlisberger (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, 
Lausanne), Alessandro Curioni (IBM Zurich), Ian Williams (University of 
Bath), Gerald Monard (Universite Henri Poincare - Nancy), Ken Merz 
(QuantumBio), Nick Quirke (Imperial College London), Richard Gilbert (E2v 
Technologies), Andrew De Mello (Imperial College London), Jens Walther 
(ETH-Zurich), Christoph Helma (University of Freiburg), Peter Willett 
(University of Sheffield), Joost N. Kok (Leiden University), Gisbert 
Schneider (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University), Michael Berthold (University 
of Konstanz), Jeremy Smith (University of Heidelberg), Wolfgang Wenzel 
(University of Karslruhe), Thomas Kiefhaber (University of Basel), Xavier 
Daura (University of Barcelona), Nikolay V. Dokholyan (University of North 
Carolina), Michele Vendruscolo (University of Cambridge)

The eCheminfo meetings will have exhibitor tables for software demos and 
evening poster sessions; posters will also be available for viewing through 
the website. Posters can be on any informatics or modeling topic of 
relevance to drug discovery. Those who cannot make the meetings are also 
able to register to access all presentations with audio and posters through 
the eCheminfo website.

Poster Abstracts (ca. 300 words) should be sent to eCheminfo at

Papers submitted with either seminar or poster presentations will be 
refereed for consideration for publication in the Molecular Simulation 

The InnovationWell European community of practice Autumn meeting will be 
taking place at the same location and on the same dates as the eCheminfo 
European meeting. This meeting will be covering semantic web applications 
in drug discovery and development, life science intellectual property 
management and valuation; knowledge management and transfer in R&D and 
manufacturing, clinical trial productivity, drug safety knowledge 
management and predictive toxicology. All eCheminfo registrants will also 
have access to the InnovationWell meeting activities. (See for more details).

Please register early for the meetings as the number of places are limited. 
You can register for the meeting on the website or contact Nicki Douglas 
(nicki.douglas at, +41 61 851 0461) to reserve your

What is the eCheminfo Community of Practice?

eCheminfo is a global Community of Practice (CoP) dedicated to the sharing 
of research and development of best practices in cheminformatics and 
chemical modelling of relevance to drug discovery. The CoP involves a 
diversity of subject matter expertise including experienced professionals 
from the life science and pharmaceutical industry, vendors, research 
institutes, universities and government.

eCheminfo is committed to the core value of outreach with diverse groups in 
the commercial, government and academic sectors for the sharing of best 
practices and the development of strategies, resources and methodologies 
that address specific issues in improved drug discovery and productivity. 
Communications activities deploy virtual approaches and a collaboration 
environment, in addition to regional discussion- and networking-designed 
face-to-face InterAction meetings. Membership includes access to over 100 
seminars from top industry and academic experts, discussion conference 
calls, and networking facilities.

Barry Hardy, PhD
Douglas Connect, Switzerland
+41 61 851 0170 (office)
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