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Up Directory CCL 05.11.04 14th Conf on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, Jackson State U, Mississippi
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Oct 22 01:21:33 2005
Subject: 05.11.04 14th Conf on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, Jackson State U, Mississippi
14th Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemist
Jackson Hilton Hotel, Jackson, Mississippi on November 4-5, 2005.

We are pleased to announce and to invite you to attend the 14th Conference
on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry (CCTCC). This symposium, 
organized by Jackson State University, covers all areas of computational
chemistry as well as quantum chemistry. This year the 14th CCTCC will be
held at the Jackson Hilton Hotel, Jackson, Mississippi on
November 4-5, 2005. The dinner and reception are
scheduled for Friday and the banquet for the Saturday evening.

The format consists of a series of (invited) plenary lectures and poster
presentations on Friday and Saturday covering applications as well as
theory. Starting with the 11th CCTCC each meeting is featuring a talk
named after eminent computational chemists. This year the fourth
presentation in this series will be given by Dr. Michele Parrinello from
the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich. The 14th Conference will
also feature another talk given in the ancillary Noble Lecture Series.
The lectures in this series are presented in a relaxed, after-dinner
atmosphere by the noble speakers and are devoted to noble scientific
events and people. As such, it is an exceptional lecture to the conference
and,contrary to the regular talks, might not necessarily report any
current findings.

We are planning to publish extended abstracts (up to four pages each) of
all invited talks and poster presentations. Original scientific
contributions will be published in a special issue of the International 
Journal of Quantum Chemistry. Manuscripts for inclusion in the special
issue should be submitted in triplicate upon arrival at the registration
desk. Submitted papers will be subject to the journal's standard referee

For more information and registration, visit our conference Web site

Jerzy Leszczynski
Chairman of the Organizing Committee
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Modified: Sat Oct 22 05:21:33 2005 GMT
Page accessed 8199 times since Sat Oct 22 05:21:33 2005 GMT

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