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Up Directory CCL 06.03.26 ACS Interactions of Peptides and Proteins with Membrane Surface, Atlanta, GA
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Oct 22 01:30:39 2005
Subject: 06.03.26 ACS Interactions of Peptides and Proteins with Membrane Surface, Atlanta, GA
Interactions of Peptides and Proteins with Membrane Surfaces
March 26-30 in Atlanta, Georgia
We would like to let you know of an upcoming symposium on Interactions
of Peptides and Proteins with Membrane Surfaces at the Spring 2006
National American Chemical Society Meeting, March 26-30 in Atlanta,

A brief summary of the intent and purpose of the symposium is as

"The adsorption of peripheral proteins and peptides to membranes plays
an important role in many biological processes. The interplay of many
factors, including the alteration of the biophysical properties of the
macromolecules upon association and their consequent lateral
reorganization at the membrane surface, presents exciting challenges to
biophysicists and biochemists. Obtaining a molecular-level
understanding of the physico-chemical forces that drive and regulate
protein/membrane interactions therefore requires the integration of
diverse approaches. The goal of this symposium is to bring together
leading experimentalists and theorists in this field whose research
addresses these issues in novel and creative ways. Emphasis will be
placed on how theory and experiment may be combined to provide more
comprehensive and detailed information on protein/membrane systems than
is attainable from one perspective alone and, thus, lead to new models
and hypotheses."

It will be a full, 4-day symposium.  The list of confirmed speakers is
at the end of this message. Unfortunately, the limits set by ACS did
not allow us to invite everyone we had in mind.  However, additional
speakers will be selected from the submitted abstracts, so please
consider sending one.  And, of course, there will be plenty of room for

All the best,

Themis Lazaridis
City College of New York / CUNY
tlazaridis|"|, 212-650-8364


Diana Murray
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
dim2007|"|, 212-746-1184

Confirmed Speakers
Paul Axelsen, U Penn
Charles Brooks III, Scripps
David Cafiso, U Virginia
Wonhwa Cho, U Illinois
Rosemary Cornell, Simon Fraser University
Ben de Kruijff, Utrecht U
William DeGrado, U Pennsylvania
Eric Freed, NCI
Michael Gelb, U Washington
Jay Groves, Berkeley
Volkhard Helms, Denmark
Blake Hill, Johns Hopkins
Huey Huang, Rice U
Tatiana Kutateladze, U Colorado
Sylvio May, Friedrich-Schiller-University
Ole Mouritsen, Denmark
Mary Roberts, Boston College
Mark Sansom, Oxford
Yechiel Shai, Weizmann Institute
Lukas Tamm, U. Virginia
Suren A. Tatulian, U Central Florida
Doug Tobias/Ryan Benz, UC Irvine
Nancy Thompson, U North Carolina
Peter Tieleman, U Calgary
Volker Vogt, Cornell
Steve White, UC Irvine
Tuck Wong, U Missouri
Tom Woolf, Johns Hopkins
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Modified: Sat Oct 22 05:30:39 2005 GMT
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