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From: chemistry-request at To: chemistry-request at Date: Sat Oct 22 01:36:42 2005 Subject: 06.04.19 MOLECULAR MODELLING 2006 (MM2006) - 2nd CALL, PERTH, AUSTRALIA, MOLECULAR MODELLING 2006 (MM2006) - SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR ABSTRACTS PERTH, AUSTRALIA, 19-22 APRIL 2006 We are pleased to announce that Molecular Modelling 2006 (MM2006) will be held in Perth, Australia from Wednesday 19 until Saturday 22 of April 2006 at Curtin University of Technology. These series of meetings are held every 18-24 months and aim to bring together the modelling community in Australia, New Zealand, the Asia-Pacific region and other parts of the world. The members of the organising committee are Ricardo Mancera (chair), Julian Gale, Andrew Rohl, Mark Spackman and Sue Berners-Price. The Conference Secretary is Kate Wright. CALL FOR ABSTRACTS MM2006 will cover molecular modelling in the life and physical sciences. Abstracts are invited for both oral and poster contributions in the broad areas of biomolecular modelling (protein and macromolecular modelling, ligand- and structure-based drug design and general molecular modelling), computational chemistry (ab initio, DFT and QM/MM methods) and materials modelling (condensed matter and polymers). Abstracts should be no longer than one page long and submitted by e-mail as Word or RTF documents to the Conference Secretariat. Abstracts should include a title, names of authors and their affiliations, summary of the work presented and references. Figures may be included within the one-page limit, but reproduction will be done in black and white only. PROCEEDINGS The proceedings of the meeting will be published in a special issue of the journal Molecular Simulation. Participants of the meeting will be invited to submit papers, which will undergo peer review. LIST OF CONFIRMED SPEAKERS In keeping with previous conference formats, we will have a number of plenary speakers (mostly from overseas) as well as invited and contributed presentations. We will also hold a poster session. This is the list of confirmed speakers so far: Prof Alan Mark (University of Queensland) Dr Mark Smythe (University of Queensland) Prof Jill Gready (Australian National University) Dr Renate Griffith (University of Newcastle) Dr David Chalmers (Monash University) Dr Brian Smith (Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research) Dr Bret Church (University of New South Wales) Dr Merridee Wouters (Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute) Prof Peter Gill (Australian National University) Prof Sean Smith (University of Queensland) A/Prof Billy Todd (Swinburne University) Dr Ian Snook (RMIT) Dr Oliver Warschkow (University of Sydney) Dr Chandra Verma (Bioinformatics Institute, Singapore) Prof Kyoung Tai No (Yonsei University, Korea) Dr Jed Pitera (IBM Almaden Research Centre, USA) Prof Brian Shoichet (University of California, San Francisco, USA) Dr Jonathan Essex (University of Southampton, UK) Prof Alessandro Laio (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) Prof Simon Phillpot (University of Florida, USA) STUDENT BURSARIES We will be offering a number of student bursaries that will cover the registration fee and provide partial reimbursemente of travel expenses. Between 2 and 3 of these bursaries will be sponsored by Accelrys for work that is being carried out using any of their suites of molecular modelling softwares. REGISTRATION The organising committee would like to invite you to register for this meeting. The conference website has all appropriate forms for registration and application for student bursaries, as well as information about abstract submission. Please point your browsers to: KEY DATES Abstract submission deadline: Friday 16 December 2005 Student bursary application deadline: Friday 16 December 2005 Earlybird registration deadline: Friday 18 February 2006 We would be delighted if you can join us next year here in Perth. Please circulate this announcement to others who might be interested in attending. We look forward to welcoming you to Perth next year! Ricardo Mancera (on behalf of the Organising Committee) ---------------------------------------------------- Ricardo L. Mancera, M.A., Ph.D. Senior Research Fellow / Senior Lecturer Western Australian Biomedical Research Institute & School of Pharmacy and School of Biomedical Sciences Curtin University of Technology GPO Box U1987 Perth WA 6845 Australia Tel: +61 8 9266 1017 Fax: +61 8 9266 7485 E-mail: R.Mancera(-) R.Mancera(-) THAT E-MAIL ADDRESSES HAVE BEEN MODIFIED!!! All @ signs were changed to {:} to fight spam. Before you send e-mail, you need to change {:} to @ For example: change joe{:} to Please let colleagues know about conference listingts at Computational Chemistry List Conference Page at Please help: If you find this conference list useful but you noticed some conference missing, please consider including it here by using the Conference Submission Page. It is free but your support is welcome. You will help others!!! |
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