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Up Directory CCL 06.03.26 ACS Advances in Reaction informatics, Atlanta, GA
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Oct 22 02:19:01 2005
Subject: 06.03.26 ACS Advances in Reaction informatics, Atlanta, GA

You are invited to participate in the following symposium for the Atlanta
ACS, March 26-30:

Advances in Reaction informatics - New Tools and Technologies to Improve
Synthesis Planning

This symposium will cover all aspects of reaction database technologies,

New tools for searching and manipulation of reaction results

Technologies for linking, integration of reaction information from disparate

Faster and more efficient search applications

New methods of database design and construction

Reaction registration systems

Reaction prediction and synthetic route building applications

Integrating in-house data with commercial data sources

Integration of reaction databases with reporting tools and other external

If you are interested in being a speaker for this symposium, please submit
an abstract via the ACS OASYS system. A direct link to the CINF sessions is

The deadline for abstract submission is November 23. Please contact me if
you have any questions.

Thank you.

Terry Wright
MDL Information Systems
14600 Catalina Street
San Leandro, CA 94577
Phone: 510-357-2222 ext. 1392
Email: terryw,;,
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Modified: Sat Oct 22 06:19:01 2005 GMT
Page accessed 7969 times since Sat Oct 22 06:19:01 2005 GMT

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