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Up Directory CCL 06.01.26 Advances in Protein Crystallography, San Francisco, CA
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Oct 22 16:38:40 2005
Subject: 06.01.26 Advances in Protein Crystallography, San Francisco, CA
Advances in Protein Crystallography
South San Francisco Conference Center

January 26, 27 2006

Select Conferences' Protein Crystallography in Drug Discovery 2005
conference and exhibition held in South San Francisco was considered
a great success by delegates, speakers and exhibitors alike. More than
170 attendees and 23 exhibitors packed the venue to hear about the latest
developments in Protein Crystallography.

In response to feedback we have decided to retain the same venue but
widen the focus for 2006.  Hence the change in title to "Advances in
Protein Crystallography" removing an unnecessary restriction on subject 

Now in its third year, once again this conference will be a great way
to network with colleagues and catch up with the latest exciting
developments in this expanding field.

Call for Papers

Potential topics could include, but not limited to:

    * New Techniques for Crystallography
    * Applications Leveraging Crystallographic Support with Commercial
    * New Approaches in Expression and Purification
    * Modern Crystallization Methods
    * New Technologies for Evaluating Individual Crystallization Trials
    * New Technologies for High-Throughput Crystallization
    * Automating a Modern Crystallization Laboratory
    * Cryo-Preservation of Crystalline Samples
    * Lab-Scale Source of Synchrotron Radiation
    * New Technology for Analyzing Intra and Intermolecular Interactions
    * Crystallization Trials as a Service for Clients
    * Enlisting External Support for Specific Drug Targets
    * Remote Synchrotron Data Collection on Demand
    * Structure Solution and Refinement Services
    * Crystallization Techniques and Methodologies
    * Informatics & Databases
    * Process Integration
    * Diffraction Techniques and Hardware

Deadline: 23rd September 2005

If you would like to submit a proposal for a presentation or poster
at this meeting, please click here to view the information required
for your submission .

For sponsorship & exhibiting information contact:
Paul Raggett; Tel +44 (0)1787 315117
E-mail: paul.raggett{=}
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Modified: Sat Oct 22 20:38:40 2005 GMT
Page accessed 8299 times since Sat Oct 22 20:38:40 2005 GMT

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