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Up Directory CCL 06.03.09 Protein Folding Disorders, Baltimore, MD
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Oct 22 17:02:48 2005
Subject: 06.03.09 Protein Folding Disorders, Baltimore, MD
Protein Folding Disorders, Baltimore, MD

March 9-10, 2006

Alzheimers, Parkinson's Disease, one of the inherited forms of emphysema,
CJD, Cystic Fibrosis, Type 2 Diabetes, and even some cancers are all 
related to the abnormal folding of proteins within the body. These 
devastating diseases cause untold misery, extracting both monetary and 
human tolls. This highly focused conference will discuss strategies for 
elucidating protein misfolding mechanisms, methods for improved study of 
these events and applications to the development of effective drug 
discovery and development for the treatment of these disorders. 
Researchers doing work in any related research areas are encouraged to 

Scientific Advisors
Dr. Steve Abcouwer, Penn State University Hershey Medical Center
Dr. Susan M. Catalano, Acumen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Thursday March 9

Shared session with Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies

SCIENCE AND POLICY: Joint FDA/USDA Panel on TSE-Safe Products: The Federal

Shared session with Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies

Friday March 10

Advances in the Science

ls Cause Disease?
Dr. Bruce Kagan, Professor, Psychiatry, UCLA

Synthetic Mammalian Prions: Hierarchical Assembly and Substructure of 
Amyloid Fibrils

VCP/p97 is Involved in Endoplasmic Reticulum Associated Degradation of 
CFTR: Implications in Cystic Fibrosis
Dr. Neeraj Vij, Pediatric, Pulmonary, Johns Hopkins University


Screening and Assays

Molecular Chaperones are Required for the Mobility of Nuclear Receptors in
Living Cells
Dr. Gordon Hager, Lab Chief, Receptor Biology and Gene Expression, 
National Cancer Institute

Development of a Screening Tool for Compounds that Inhibit the Formation 
of Beta Amyloid Oligomers 

RNAi Screening to Identify Genetic Factors Associated With Parkinson's 
Dr. Guy Caldwell, Associate Professor, Biological Sciences, The University
of Alabama


Understanding and Preventing the Initial Events in Amyloid B-Protein 
Assembly  Towards Therapeutics for Alzheimers Disease
Dr. Gal Bitan, Assistant Professor in Residence, Department of Neurology, 
David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California at Los Angeles

Effects of Intracellular Soluble Misfolded A - Targets of Opportunity
Dr. Harry LeVine, III, Sanders-Brown Center on Aging, University of 

Soluble Amyloid Oligomer Inhibitors for Treatment of Memory-Related 
Dr. Susan Catalano, Ph.D. Director of Discovery Biology, Acumen 
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

For more information please contact: 
Elizabeth Lamb, Conference Director, Cambridge Healthtech Institute
Fax: : 207-493-4573  E-mail: elamb(_)

For sponsorship or exhibiting information, please contact:
Suzanne Carroll, Manager, Business Development
Phone: 617-630-1352, E-mail: scarroll(_)
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Modified: Sat Oct 22 21:02:48 2005 GMT
Page accessed 9058 times since Sat Oct 22 21:02:48 2005 GMT

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