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Up Directory CCL 06.07.23 Int Conf Organometallic Chemistry, Zaragoza, Spain
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Oct 22 17:10:45 2005
Subject: 06.07.23 Int Conf Organometallic Chemistry, Zaragoza, Spain
Int Conf Organometallic Chemistry,
Zaragoza, Spain

July 23-28, 2006

Following the previous meetings in Munich/Germany (1998), Shanghai/China
(2000), Corfu/Greece (2002) and Vancouver/Canada (2004), the XXIInd 
International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry will be held from 
23rd to 28th of July 2006 in Zaragoza, Spain. All modern advances and trends 
in organometallic chemistry will be discussed.

This will be a special occasion as it is the first time since its inception 
in 1963 that this important international scientific event will take place 
in Spain. Organometallic chemistry is one of the more active areas of 
Spanish chemistry and we have no doubt that the XXIInd ICOMC will provide 
additional stimulus for development of Organometallic Chemistry.

Zaragoza is a lively, animated city with more than two thousand years of 
history, offering many cultural and tourist attractions. On behalf of the 
Scientific and Organizing Committees we are glad to invite you to come to 
Zaragoza. Your participation will ensure that XXIInd International 
Conference on Organometallic Chemistry will become an unforgettable 
scientific event.

We look forwarding to welcoming you in Zaragoza.

Prof. Luis A. Oro, Conference Chairman
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Modified: Sat Oct 22 21:10:45 2005 GMT
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