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Up Directory CCL 06.04.17 4th Int Society of Electrochemistry Spring Meeting, Singapore
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Oct 22 17:20:12 2005
Subject: 06.04.17 4th Int Society of Electrochemistry Spring Meeting, Singapore
4th ISE Spring Meeting 2006

Singapore from 17th to 20th April 2006

ISE Spring Meetings are yearly events by the International Society of 
Electrochemistry, an international organisation with members coming from 
more than 60 countries and is organised in over 40 regional sections. Its 
objectives are to advance electrochemical science and technology, besides 
many others. Annually, ISE organises two meetings, the Annual ISE Meeting 
and the Spring ISE Meeting. The Spring ISE Meeting is an international 
scientific congress focused on a single theme undergoing vigorous 
development, which does not overlap with that of the Annual Meeting 
held in the same year. Previous Spring Meetings were held at Alicante 
2003 (well-defined surfaces), Xiamen 2004 (electrochemistry at 
nano-scale:structuring, characterisation and theories) and Coimbra 2005 

Our theme for the 4th Spring Meeting is Electrochemical Materials 
Science: Fabrications, Characterisation and Applications with the 
following sub-themes: hybrid and composite materials, molecular tailoring 
and engineering, supramolecular chemistry, MEMS/NEMS, scanning probe 
microscopy, nanoelectronics/nanodevices and nanobiotechnology.

We would like to extend our warmest welcome to you when we meet here 
during April 2006, in the beautiful city state of Singapore. The event 
being a Centennial Conference of the National University of Singapore, 
participants may have the opportunity to participate in some celebratory 
events which span 12 months to commemorate this significant milestone in 
NUS history.

We look forward to your presence, together with leaders from around the 
world in this advance field of electrochemical materials science, here at 
the National University of Singapore in April 2006.

Yours sincerely,

The Organising Committee
Spring Meeting 2006
International Society of Electrochemistry
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