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Up Directory CCL 06.01.31 Laboratory Informatics, San Diego, CA
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Oct 22 17:50:23 2005
Subject: 06.01.31 Laboratory Informatics, San Diego, CA
Laboratory Informatics, San Diego, CA
January 31 - February 1, 2006   Doubletree Golf Resort, San Diego, CA

Laboratory Informatics 2006 in San Diego is the latest in a series of 
events stretching back to 1992 with which have strived to bring together 
vendors, corporate customers and leading academics for a constructive 
dialog addressing many of the issues/problems/advances surrounding what 
is now known under the catch-all title of Laboratory Informatics.

In 2004 the conference ran under the by-line "Moving Consensus Forward" 
and bringing together all the key players in this field to discuss and 
decide on the best way we can move our industries forward lies at the 
heart of all we have aimed to achieve over the years. In 2006 we are 
pleased to have the professional help of IQPC to make this the best 
event ever so come along to what will be a memorable week and make 
a difference in your industry!

Tony Davies and Mohan Cashyap, contributors to Laboratory Informatics 2006

Who will I meet and who is speaking?
This conference has been designed for VPs, Directors, and Managers 
involved in:

# Analytical Chemistry
# Information Technology/LIMS
# Research and Development
# Medicinal Chemistry
# Scientific Informatics
# Data Analysis
# Laboratory Management/Operations
# Quality/Regulatory Affairs
# Intellectual Property
# Patent Protection
# Project Management
# Business Development
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Modified: Sat Oct 22 21:50:23 2005 GMT
Page accessed 8163 times since Sat Oct 22 21:50:23 2005 GMT

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