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Up Directory CCL 05.12.15 Pacifichem 2005, Hawaii, USA
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sun Oct 23 01:32:13 2005
Subject: 05.12.15 Pacifichem 2005, Hawaii, USA
2005 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin 
Societies (Pacifichem),
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, December 15-20, 2005

The 2005 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies 
(Pacifichem), will take place in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 
December 15-20, 2005. The conference is sponsored jointly by the American 
Chemical Society (ACS), the Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC), the 
Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ), the New Zealand Institute of Chemistry 
(NZIC), the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI), and the Korean 
Chemical Society (KCS). The Chemical Society of Japan is the host society 
for the 2005 Congress. In addition to the six sponsoring chemical 
societies, ten chemical societies headquartered in pacific basin 
countries are Official Participating Societies.

Pacifichem 2005 will be the fifth in the series of very successful 
cosponsored scientific conferences of Pacific Basin Chemical Societies. 
Founded in 1984, these conferences have been held in Honolulu, Hawaii 
every five years. Pacifichem 2005 will promote collaborations among 
Pacific Basin chemical scientists that improve the quality of life 
throughout the world and will feature a broadly based scientific 
program highlighting recent contributions.

The Congress will run Thursday through Tuesday, and will feature 224 
symposia spanning 11 scientific areas. The Technical Program listing 
shows these areas and symposia. There will be an official Opening 
Ceremony on Thursday evening featuring a traditional Hawaiian chant 
followed by welcoming remarks from officials of the Congress Organizing 
Committee. The Governor and Mayor of Hawaii also have been invited to 
speak. Later that same evening the Congress will feature the Pacifichem 
2005 Lecture by Professor Sumio Iijima.  This will be followed by a mixer 
to which all registered delegates are invited.
Over 11,000 research papers will be presented in oral and poster format. 
The meeting will take place from Thursday through Tuesday and will 
utilize the Renaissance Ilikai, the Hilton Hawaiian Village , 
the Sheraton Waikiki, the Sheraton Moana Surfrider, the Sheraton 
Princess Kauilani, the Royal Hawaiian, the Hyatt Regency Waikiki, 
and the Waikiki Marriott for technical sessions and poster sessions.
Oral technical sessions will take place as half-day sessions in the 
morning [7:30 am  11:30 am] and afternoon [12:30 pm  4:30 pm]. There 
will also be evening sessions [7:00 pm  9:00 pm].
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Modified: Sun Oct 23 05:32:13 2005 GMT
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