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Up Directory CCL 06.03.05 21st Austin Symposium on Molecular Structure, Austin, TX
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sun Oct 23 20:27:07 2005
Subject: 06.03.07 21st Austin Symposium on Molecular Structure, Austin, TX
21st Austin Symposium on Molecular Structure

5th - 7th March 2006

Park Plaza Hotel, 6000 Middle Fiskville Road, Austin, TX 78752

Are you a scientist involved in experimental or theoretical studies of 
molecular structure?

Do you want to meet with experts in other structural methods?
The Austin Symposium brings together scientists from a wide background 
of structure analysis from all over the world. It is an excellent chance 
for debate and discussion with experts in their field and is a good way 
to get new ideas for your own research.


Those who attend include workers in the fields of:
Diffraction 	both small molecule X-ray crystallography and gas-phase 
                electron diffraction

Spectroscopy 	all kinds, with an emphasis on structure

Theoretical 	including computational methods and results.

Invited lectures - speakers impart their detailed knowledge of 
newly developed techniques

What's involved? 	Short presentations - exhibit current research 
and ideas

Poster sessions - an ideal way to stimulate discussion

There is an active social program including a banquet and barbecue.

The participation of graduate students is positively encouraged.

To register an interest in the forthcoming symposium please contact 
Professor Jim Boggs at james.boggs]![ You will receive 
the next circular via e-mail.
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Modified: Wed Feb 22 16:13:10 2006 GMT
Page accessed 8425 times since Mon Oct 24 00:27:07 2005 GMT

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