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Up Directory CCL 06.05.28 4th INTERNATIONAL CHEMOMETRICS RESEARCH MEETING (ICRM 2006), Veldhoven, the Netherlands
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sun Oct 23 20:40:12 2005
Subject: 06.05.28 4th INTERNATIONAL CHEMOMETRICS RESEARCH MEETING (ICRM 2006), Veldhoven, the Netherlands
ICRM 2006
May 28th - June 1st, 2006
Veldhoven, the Netherlands.

th International Chemometrics Research Meeting, held 
May 28th - June 1st, 2006 in Veldhoven, the Netherlands. 
This meeting is organized under the auspices of the Royal 
Netherlands Chemical Society. The International Chemometrics 
Research Meeting aims at bringing together researchers active 
in the field of chemometrics.

Following the successful earlier meetings in 1994, 1998, and 2002 
(see also the link 'History') the format of the conference will 
be such that lectures reflect the current state-of-the-art in 
chemometrics and will be a starting point for extended discussions 
and exchanges of views.

Topics of the Conference
- Data fusion
- Multilevel analysis
- Clustering
- Interpretation of data-driven methods
- Model validation
- Process Analytical Technology
- Kernel-based methods

In the plenary sessions not only the methods will be discussed, but 
also a broad gamut of real-world applications, like systems biology 
and micro-arrays, multi-spectral imaging, process analysis, and 
high-throughput experimentation.

For more information, see forthcoming updates of this ICRM website.
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Modified: Mon Oct 24 00:40:12 2005 GMT
Page accessed 8678 times since Mon Oct 24 00:40:13 2005 GMT

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