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Up Directory CCL 06.05.08 12th Int Workshop on QSAR in Environmental Toxicology, Lyon, France
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Nov 10 14:10:17 2005
Subject: 06.05.08 12th Int Workshop on QSAR in Environmental Toxicology, Lyon, France
Lyon, France, May 8-12, 2006

You are cordially invited to attend QSAR 2006, the 12th International
Workshop on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships in Environmental 
Toxicology, that will be held in Lyon on 8th-12th May 2006.

QSAR 2006 will continue the tradition respected by the past meetings, 
offering an intensive scientific program covering the most recent and 
advanced researches in environmental SAR and QSAR. In addition, a special 
attention will be paid to environmental fate (EF) modeling due to its 
growing interest and because the EF models commonly integrate QSAR and QSPR 

QSAR 2006 will also offer you the opportunity to visit Lyon, founded in 
43 BC by the Roman Empire who named it Lugdunum. In 1998, Lyon became one 
of only a few urban centers of the UNESCO World Heritage due to its 
cultural and historical richness. Lyon is also a gourmets paradise. 
The city boasts a huge number of Michelin-starred restaurants and bouchon 
bistros specialized in local gastronomy.

The QSAR 2006 Workshop will start on the afternoon of Monday 8th May 2006 
and it is planned to end on the afternoon on Friday 12th May 2006. 
The main sessions are listed below.

Session 1: Topological and Physicochemical Descriptors
Session 2: Linear vs Nonlinear Methods in QSAR and QSPR
Session 3: Ecotoxicology Modeling
Session 4: Prediction of Human Health Endpoints
Session 5: Interspecies Correlations
Session 6: Endocrine Disruptors
Session 7: Environmental Fate Modeling
Session 8: Regulatory use of QSAR / QSPR

See you in Lyon.

Dr. J. Devillers                   Dr. A. Carpy
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