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Up Directory CCL 06.06.26 BIOCOMP-2006 Int Conf on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Las Vegas, USA
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Dec 28 21:01:01 2005
Subject: 06.06.26 BIOCOMP-2006 Int Conf on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Las Vegas, USA
BIOCOMP'06- The 2006 International Conference
on Bioinformatics & Computational Biology

Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (June 26-29, 2006)

   BIOCOMP'06 is an international conference held simultaneously
(ie, same location and dates) with a number of other joint conferences 
as part of WORLDCOMP'06 (The 2006 World Congress in Computer Science, 
Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing). WORLDCOMP'06 is the largest 
annual gathering of researchers in computer science, computer engineering 
and applied computing. Each of the joint conferences in WORLDCOMP is 
the premier conference for presentation of advances in their respective 
fields (for the complete list of joint conferences Click Here).

    The motivation is to assemble a spectrum of affiliated research 
conferences into a coordinated research meeting held in a common place 
at a common time. The main goal is to provide a forum for exchange of 
ideas in a number of research areas that interact. The model used to 
form these annual conferences facilitates communication among researchers 
in different fields of computer science, computer engineering and applied 
computing. Both inward research (core areas of computer science and 
engineering) and outward research (multi-disciplinary, Inter-disciplinary, 
and applications) will be covered during the conferences.

      The last set of conferences (research tracks in bioinformatics 
& computational biology together with affiliated events) had research 
contributions from 76 countries and had attracted over 1,500 participants.
It is anticipated to have over 2,000 participants for the 2006 event.

      You are invited to submit a draft paper of about 5-8 pages and/or 
a proposal to organize a Technical Session/workshop (see the Submission 
information). All accepted papers will be published in the respective 
conference proceedings. The names of technical session/workshop 
organizers/chairs will appear on the cover of the proceedings/books 
as Associate Editors.

      Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

                + Software environments for bioinformatics
                + Software tools for computational biology
                + RNA and DNA structure and sequencing
                + Gene identification
                + Gene expression databases
                + Gene pattern discovery
                + Genetic network modeling and inference
                + Gene regulation
                + Gene expression analysis
                + Molecular dynamics and simulation
                + Molecular sequence classification, alignment and 
                + Molecular sequence databases
                + Molecular structure databases
                + Image processing in medicine and biological sciences
                + Sequence analysis and alignment
                + Cheminformatics
                + Comparative genomics
                + Protein modeling
                + Molecular interactions
                + Metabolic modeling and pathways
                + Biomedical engineering
                + Biomedical electronics
                + Mathematical biology
                + Microarrays
                + Evolution and phylogenetics
                + Macromolecular structure prediction
                + Proteomics
                + Protein folding and fold recognition
                + Medical informatics
                + Epidemic models
                + Biological data mining
                + Knowledge discovery
                + Pattern classification and recognition
                + Graph theory and bioinformatics
                + Structural and functional genomics
                + Hidden Markov Model techniques
                + Amino acid sequencing
                + Stochastic modeling
                + Bio-ontologies
                + Computational drug discovery
                + Biological databases and information retrieval
                + Biological data visualization
                + Biological data integration
                + Evolution of regulatory genomic sequences
                + Experimental studies and results
                + Applications
                + Application of computational intelligence (artificial 
                  neural networks, fuzzy logic, and evolutionary 
                  computing) in medicine and biological sciences.
                + High-performance computing as applied to natural and 
                  medical sciences
                + Computer-based medical systems (automation in medicine, 
                + Other aspects and applications relating to technological
                  advancements in medicine and biological sciences.
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Modified: Thu Dec 29 02:01:01 2005 GMT
Page accessed 8250 times since Thu Dec 29 02:01:02 2005 GMT

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