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Up Directory CCL 06.06.07 ChemAxon's 2006 User Group Meeting, Budapest, Hungary
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Jan 7 15:48:16 2006
Subject: 06.06.07 ChemAxon's 2006 User Group Meeting, Budapest, Hungary
---------- Update ------------
ChemAxons 2006 User Group Meeting will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, June
 7th - 8th, 2006, once again at the Gellert Hotel, Budapest, Hungary.
 The meeting will include oral and poster presentations from ChemAxon users and
 developers and separate tracks on day 2, for both scientific and developer
 We are inviting those interested in presenting at the meeting to submit
 abstracts for review. /The deadline for reciept of abstracts is March 17th. 

 We hope you can participate in what has proven to be a most exciting, relevant
 and enjoyable cheminformatics event.
    * To review the submission guidelines please visit .
    * To review the full presentations from the 2005 meeting archive
      please visit
    * To visit the User Group Meeting index please visit:
 If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
 See you here.
 Alex Allardyce
ChemAxons 2006 User Group Meeting will be held on 
June 7-8 2006 at the Gellert Hotel, Budapest, Hungary.

The meeting will include oral and poster presentations from ChemAxon users
and developers and a separate track on day 2, for developer issues and

We are requesting those interested in presenting at the meeting to submit
abstracts for review. The deadline for reciept of abstracts is March 3rd.

To review the submission guidelines please visit . To review the full
presentations from the 2005 meeting archive please visit

I you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

Hope to see you there.


Alex Allardyce
Communications Director
Chemaxon Ltd
Tel.: +361 4532658
e-mail: aa/./
All @ signs were changed to /./ to fight spam. Before you send e-mail, you need to change /./ to @
For example: change joe/./ to
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Modified: Sat Mar 4 16:36:49 2006 GMT
Page accessed 7612 times since Sat Jan 7 20:48:16 2006 GMT

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