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Up Directory CCL 06.03.13 CambridgeSoft European Conference and User Meeting 2006, London, UK
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Jan 11 19:46:14 2006
Subject: 06.03.13 CambridgeSoft European Conference and User Meeting 2006, London, UK
CambridgeSoft European Conference & User Meeting 2006
Novotel London West Hotel
London, UK
Monday, March 13, 2006

Come join your colleagues from the world's leading pharmaceutical,
biotechnology, and chemical companies at the 2006 CambridgeSoft
Conference & User Meeting in London. You will participate in the leading
forum for exchange of ideas, application advances, and unique approaches
to the use of computational techniques to solve pressing problems
throughout the industries. Implementation focuses include lead
optimization, E-Notebook solutions, materials management and inventory,
and screening biology.

Our conference is being held during the week of The Drug Discovery
Technology Meeting to enable participants to participate in both
meetings if they desire. Registration for DDT is not necessary for
attendance at the CambridgeSoft meeting.

Are you a CambridgeSoft customer? Would you be interested in presenting
at the meeting? If so, please read our Call for Papers (PDF).

8:00 Breakfast & Registration

8:45 Welcome
    Dr. Rob Scoffin, Vice President, European Operations, CambridgeSoft

9:00 E-Notebook & Inventory Integration
    Olivier Miserque & Joelle Defour, Total Petrochemicals

9:30 Merck's Productivity using E-Notebook
    Tony Romano, Director, Pre-clinical IT, Merck & Co., Inc

10:00 E-Notebook Future Development Plans
    Michael Swartz, Vice President, Application Consulting, CambridgeSoft

10:15 Break

10:30 Integration of Pathways with E-Notebook
    David Booth, Managing Director, White Carbon

10:45 CambridgeSoft Future Directions
    Rudy Potenzone, Vice President, Enterprise Solutions, CambridgeSoft

11:15 A Practical System Biology Approach for the Discovery of Novel
    Evangelos Hytopoulos, Ph.D., Senior Director, Computational Sciences,
    Bioseek, Inc.

11:45 Inventory Enterprise
      Dr. Rob Scoffin, Vice President, European Operations, CambridgeSoft

12:00 E-Notebook, Registration & Inventory in a Structure-Based Drug
    Discovery Environment
    John Reader, Ph.D., Vice President, Chemistry, Sareum Ltd

    Lunch & Birds of a Feather Discussion Groups: Biology, Chemical
    Informatics, ChemDraw, Chem3D, Enterprise, Intellectual Property/E-Notebook

1:45 E-Notebook Implementation at Organon
    Michael Speed & Sjaak Peelen, Organon

2:15 CambridgeSoft Corporate Overview
    Michael G. Tomasic, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, CambridgeSoft

2:30 R&D Insight for Chemists
    Camille Scot-Smith, European Sales Manager, Wolters Kluwer
    Health - Adis International

3:00 Primary & Secondary Screening with BioAssay
    Louis J. Culot, Vice President, Application Development, CambridgeSoft

3:15 Break

3:30 Chem & Bio Office Presentation
    Mark L. Olson, Ph.D., Vice President, Software Development, CambridgeSoft

3:45 Chem3D
    Daniel M. Oberlin, Director, Software Development, CambridgeSoft

4:00 Professional Services
    Francis J. Bates, Vice President, Global Services, CambridgeSoft

4:15 pm Desktop Panel Discussion: Best Practices

4:25 pm Knowledge Panel Discussion: Best Practices
    * Tony Romano, Director, Pre-clinical IT, Merck & Co., Inc
    * Olivier Miserque & Joelle Defour, Total Petrochemicals
    * Michael Speed & Sjaak Peelen, Organon

4:35 pm Informatics Panel Discussion: Best Practices
    * Evangelos Hytopoulos, Ph.D., Senior Director, Computational Sciences,
      Bioseek, Inc.

4:45 pm Databases Panel Discussion: Best Practices
    * Camille Scot-Smith, European Sales Manager, Wolters Kluwer
    Health - Adis International

5:00 Appreciations & Open Forum
    Robert S. Joseph, Vice President, Global Marketing, CambridgeSoft

5:10 - 7:00
   Cocktail Reception
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Modified: Thu Jan 12 00:46:14 2006 GMT
Page accessed 8787 times since Thu Jan 12 00:46:14 2006 GMT

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