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Up Directory CCL 06.09.10 5th European Conf on Computational Biology ECCB-06, Eilat, Israel
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Jan 13 17:25:46 2006
Subject: 06.09.10 5th European Conf on Computational Biology ECCB-06, Eilat, Israel
5th European Conference on Computational Biology - ECCB '06

Eilat, Israel

September 10-13, 2006

** Call for Papers, Posters, Software Demos, Workshops, and Tutorials

The European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB) is the 
leading European and one of the primary international conferences in 
computational biology and bioinformatics. The fifth meeting in this 
series will be held on September 10-13, 2006 in the resort town of 
Eilat, Israel. The meeting will be held jointly with the 9th Israeli 
Bioinformatics Symposium.

Leading researchers and practitioners in computational biology, 
bioinformatics, and bio-IT, from Europe and around the world, will 
gather at ECCB '06 for four days of presentations, poster sessions, 
workshops, software demonstrations, and professional discussions

** Keynote speakers (confirmed)

Prof. Naama Barkai, Weizmann Institute of Science
Prof. Richard Karp, University of California, Berkeley
Marc Vidal, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School

** Scientific presentations

We invite you to present your work in any area of computational 
biology and bioinformatics. 
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Biomedicine, epidemiology, & agriculture
* Computational genomics
* Computer-aided drug design
* Databases & database integration
* Evolution and phylogenetics
* Metabolomics
* Ontologies
* Pathways, networks, and systems
* Proteomics
* Sequence analysis
* Simulation & system dynamics
* Structural bioinformatics
* Text mining
* Transcriptomics

Original research papers: Papers, which should describe previously 
unpublished work, will undergo thorough peer review. Accepted papers 
will be published in a leading journal in the field and will be 
indexed in Medline and ISI.

Posters: Posters, representing condensed descriptions of ongoing 
work, will be displayed during the meeting.

Workshops and Tutorials: The conference will be preceded by a day of 
special-interest workshops and tutorials on cutting-edge topics. 
Please submit proposals for workshops that you would like to organize 
and tutorials that you would like to present.

Software demonstrations: A room will be available for demonstrating 
software that is relevant to the computational biology and 
bioinformatics community. Presentation will be free of charge for 
participants from academic and other non-profit institutions.

** Key dates

15 Mar 2006 - Paper submission deadline
29 May 2006 - Notification of paper acceptance

08 Jun 2006 - Poster submission deadline
22 Jun 2006 - Notification of poster acceptance

08 Jun 2006 - Software demo proposal submission deadline
29 Jun 2006 - Notification of software demo acceptance

15 Mar 2006 - Workshop / tutorial proposal submission deadline
15 May 2006 - Notification of workshop / tutorial acceptance

10 Jul 2006 - Early registration deadline

** Help us get the word out!

Please download the formatted version of this call for participation 
and post it on your door or a nearby bulletin board:

** For further information

Please see the conference website, , or send 
e-mail to the conference secretariat at eccb06]^[
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Modified: Mon Jan 23 15:43:56 2006 GMT
Page accessed 8182 times since Fri Jan 13 22:16:19 2006 GMT

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