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Up Directory CCL 06.02.19 Ab initio Description of Iron and Steel (ADIS2006), Ringberg Castle, Germany
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Jan 13 19:41:45 2006
Subject: 06.02.19 Ab initio Description of Iron and Steel (ADIS2006), Ringberg Castle, Germany
Ab initio Description of Iron and Steel (ADIS2006)
Status and future challenges
International workshop at Ringberg Castle
February 19 - 24, 2006

Scope of the ADIS-2006 meeting
The aim of the workshop is to bring together distinguished experts in 
ab-initio calculations and thermodynamic/kinetic modeling of metals. 
In particular, the meeting will deal on recent developments in accurately 
and efficiently modeling finite-temperature properties/processes and phase 
transitions in metals with a particular (but not exclusiv) focus on iron 
and steel.

The workshop is restricted to 40 participants. Leading researchers have 
been invited to give tutorial (90 minutes) talks covering recent 
developments in this field based on e.g. Monte Carlo approaches, 
molecular dynamics, the coexistence approach, or thermodynamical 
integration. The main idea of the conference is to provide an 
opportunity for exchange of knowledge and for fruitful scientific 
discussions leading towards improved simulation techniques and future 
technological and industrial applications.

The workshop is organized by the Computational Materials Design 
department which has been recently established at the Max-Planck 
Institute for iron research (MPIE) in Dsseldorf (Germany), namely:
Prof. Dr. Jrg Neugebauer, Martin Friak, and Tilmann Hickel.

Contact e-mail: adis2006+/
For finantial support we would like to thank to:
the Psi_k Network, the goverment of North Rhine-Westfalia, and
the Schlossmann Foundation.
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Modified: Sat Jan 14 00:41:45 2006 GMT
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