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Up Directory CCL 06.07.09 Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity High Temperature, Dresden, Germany
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Jan 13 20:02:04 2006
Subject: 06.07.09 Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity High Temperature, Dresden, Germany
Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity High Temperature 
Superconductors VIII   	
July 9 to July 14, 2006
Dresden, Germany

The 8th International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of 
Superconductivity and High Temperature Superconductors (M2S-HTSC-VIII) 
will be held in Dresden Germany from July 9 to July 14, 2006. This 
conference follows conferences previously held in Interlaken, Switzerland 
(1988), Palo Alto, USA (1989), Kanazawa, Japan (1991), Grenoble, France 
(1994), Beijing, China (1997), Houston, USA (2000), and Rio de Janeiro, 
Brazil (2003). The M2S-HTSC Conference series can be traced back to the "
d- and f-band" superconductivity conferences that were held in Rochester, 
USA (1971), Gatlinburg, USA (1973), Rochester, USA (1976), La Jolla, USA 
(1979), Karlsruhe, Germany (1982), and Ames, USA (1984).

The conference in Dresden is again dedicated to all aspects of 
superconductivity and related phenomena. The focus will be around 
materials, properties and mechanisms. Besides the cuprates, other new 
oxide superconductors such as the ruthenates and cobaltades have emerged. 
Borides, borocarbides, doped fullerenes, organic superconductors, and 
heavy fermion superconductors will also form an important part of the 
program. The synthesis of these superconductors, the characterization of 
their physical properties and applications will be an integral part of 
the conference. The understanding of the mechanism(s) for unconventional 
superconductivity has been a key issue in condensed matter physics and 
material science for many years.

All formal conference sessions and an exciting exhibition will take place 
at the new Conference Centre, which is conveniently located in close 
proximity to the conference hotels in downtown Dresden. The centre is 
situated next to the Elbe river in one of the most beautiful areas of 
the city of Dresden. Together with other settings along the Elbe river, 
this area has recently been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. 
Besides "Europe's balcony", as Goethe called baroque Dresden, which 
offers European cultural and art treasures, magnificent baroque 
buildings, world-famous art collections, lively theatre and music, 
there are several possibilities for tours around Dresden to several 
castles and to the beautiful landscape of Swiss Saxony.

"See you in Dresden!"


The 8th International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of 
Superconductivity and High Temperature Superconductors (M2S-HTSC-VIII) 
in Dresden is dedicated essentially to superconductivity and related 
phenomena, and to the host materials of these phenomena. The conference 
follows a series of meetings, established in 1988 in Interlaken, two 
years after the discovery of high-Tc superconductivity. The M2S-HTSC 
Conference Series evolved from the 1984 M2S Conference and the preceding 
d- and f-Band Superconductivity Conferences dating back to the early 

The general conference topics include, but are not limited to, 
experimental and theoretical study of mechanism and physics, 
characterization, synthesis and processing, and application of s
uperconductors. In particular, we list the following topics:

 A Materials
  	A1 	Oxides	 
  	A1-1 	Cuprate superconductors 	 
  	A1-2 	Insulating cuprates	 
  	A1-3 	Cobaltates	 
  	A1-4 	Ruthenates	 
  	A1-5 	Pyrochlore oxides	 
  	A1-6 	Other oxides 	 
  	A2 	Borides and Borocarbides	 
  	A2-1 	MgB2	 
  	A2-2 	Other Borides 	 
  	A2-3 	Borocarbides 	 
  	A3 	Carbon-based superconductors 	 
  	A3-1 	Fullerides, nanotubes 	 
  	A3-2 	Organic superconductors 	 
  	A4 	Light elements and high pressure	 
  	A5 	Heavy fermion superconductors 	 
  	A5-1 	Heavy fermion superconductors 	 
  	A5-2 	Quantum critical materials 	 
  	A5-3 	Scutterudites 	 
  	A6 	Low Tc superconductors 	 
  	A7 	New superconductors 	 
 B Physical Properties and Characterization
  	B1 	Structural Properties 	 
  	B1-1 	XRD, elastic neutron scattering, electron diffraction 	 
  	B1-2 	EXAFS 	 
  	B1-3 	STM, AFM 	 
  	B1-4 	SEM, TEM 	 
  	B2 	Thermal properties 	 
  	B3 	Magnetic properties 	 
  	B4 	Electrical transport 	 
  	B5 	High pressure effects 	 
  	B6 	Spectroscopy 	 
  	B6-1 	Optical spectroscopy, IR, microwave 	 
  	B6-2 	Raman spectroscopy 	 
  	B6-3 	NMR, ESR, Mssbauer spectroscopy 	 
  	B6-4 	Inelastic neutron scattering 	 
  	B6-5 	SR 	 
  	B6-6 	Photoemission, ARPES 	 
  	B6-7 	Tunnelling spectroscopy 	 
  	B6-8 	Other spectroscopies 	 
 C Theory and Mechanisms
  	C1 	Normal and superconducting state 	 
  	C1-1 	Electronic structure 	 
  	C1-2 	Correlation effects 	 
  	C1-3 	Spin liquids 	 
  	C1-4 	Normal state properties, pseudo-gap 	 
  	C1-5 	Quantum criticallity 	 
  	C1-6 	Phonons 	 
  	C1-7 	Spin excitations 	 
  	C1-8 	BCS 	 
  	C1-9 	Strong coupling 	 
  	C1-10 	Inhomogeneous order parameter 	 
  	C2 	Structural and electronic inhomogeneities 	 
  	C2-1 	Stripes 	 
  	C2-2 	Phase separation 	 
  	C2-3 	Granularity 	 
  	C3 	Vortex physics 	 
  	C3-1 	Pinning 	 
  	C3-2 	Single vortex 	 
  	C3-3 	Ordered and disordered vortex structures 	 
  	C3-4 	Vortex dynamics 	 
  	C4 	Tunnelling, Josephson networks 	 
 D Synthesis and Processing
  	D1 	Bulk materials 	 
  	D1-1 	Single crystals 	 
  	D1-2 	Melt processing 	 
  	D1-3 	Ceramics 	 
  	D2 	Thin films, multilayers 	 
  	D3 	Wires, tapes, and coated superconductors 	 
  	D4 	Josephson junction arrays 	 
  	D5 	Nanostructured superconductors 	 
 E Applications
  	E1 	Power Applications 	 
  	E1-1 	Cables 	 
  	E1-2 	Transformers 	 
  	E1-3 	Motors/Generators 	 
  	E1-4 	Magnets 	 
  	E1-5 	Magnetic energy storage 	 
  	E1-6 	Current limiter 	 
  	E1-7 	Levitation 	 
  	E2 	Low power Applications 	 
  	E2-1 	Microwave filters 	 
  	E2-2 	Josephson devices, SQUIDS 	 
  	E2-3 	Superconducting qubits 	 
  	E3 	Other devices and applications 	 
 F Ultracold quantum gases
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Modified: Sat Jan 14 01:02:04 2006 GMT
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