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Up Directory CCL 06.08.20 Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics for Medicinal Chemists: Achieving Therapeutic Efficacy, Boston, MA
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Feb 1 09:54:44 2006
Subject: 06.08.20 Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics for Medicinal Chemists: Achieving Therapeutic Efficacy, Boston, MA
Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics for Medicinal Chemists:  
Achieving Therapeutic Efficacy 


Conference chairs David Rodrigues of BMS and Scott Obach of Pfizer are 
putting together a program to explore the range of approaches that can 
be used to project the exposure and dose necessary to achieve therapeutic 
efficacy, and the methods that enable improvement of pharmacokinetic 
(PK) properties. 

Presentations will cover a variety of topics such as in vitro screening, 
PK predictions, the conduct of in vivo PK studies, PK-pharmacodynamics, 
the use of biomarkers, human dose estimates and newer "exploratory 
IND" strategies.

A preliminary agenda and confirmed speakers to date include:

Day 1 AM -- In Vitro Approaches   (Conference co-chair Scott Obach, 
session chair)

      High-throughput approaches with Daniel Kassel of Takeda San Diego
      Metabolic Soft Spots with Michael Fisher of Boehringer-Ingelheim
      Microsomal screening methods/IVIVCs with Robert Riley of AstraZeneca UK
      Medicinal Chemist's perspective & case histories with Nicholas 
      Meanwell of BMS

Day 1 PM -- In Vivo Screening Methods  (Scott Grossman of BMS, session 

      Cassette Dosing and other screens with David Christ of SNC Partners
      More detailed in vivo models (e.g. BDC models/discrete PK analyses, 
      etc) with Jiunn Lin of Merck
      Medicinal Chemist's perspective/case histories with Phil Carpino of 

Day 2 AM -- PK/PD and Estimating Human Doses (Conference co-chair David 
Rodrigues, session chair)

      PK/PD Basics with Ellen Wang of Pfizer
      PK/PD Discovery Applications with Zheng Yang of BMS
      Human dose projections and their implications with Richard Morrison 
      of Schering-Plough

Day 2 PM -- Exploratory INDs  (Scott Grossman of BMS, session chair)

      Overview of Exploratory INDs
      AMS and other microdose strategies with Steven Tannenbaum of MIT
      Biomarkers for dose selection and target validation

Closing Comments - Scott Grossman of BMS
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Modified: Wed Feb 1 14:54:44 2006 GMT
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