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Up Directory CCL 06.09.03 MSSC2006 - Ab initio Modeling in Solid State Chemistry, Torino, Italy
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Feb 9 15:45:21 2006
Subject: 06.09.03 MSSC2006 - Ab initio Modeling in Solid State Chemistry, Torino, Italy
The Theoretical Chemistry Group of the Torino University is
 organizing a new edition of the Summer School:
 Ab initio Modeling in Solid State Chemistry
 E-mail:    mssc()
 September 3-8, 2006 - Torino, Italy
 Director: R. Dovesi

 The school is addressed to PhD students, Post-Docs and researchers
 with interests in solid state chemistry, physics, materials science,
 surface science, catalysis. It will provide an overview of the
 possibilities offered by ab initio quantum mechanical techniques
 when applied to characterize materials.
 The new capabilities of CRYSTAL06 ( )
 will be illustrated:
 - vibration frequencies and IR intensities of solids at Gamma
 - full geometry optimization (atom coordinates and cell parameters).
 On behalf of the organizing Committee
 Bartolomeo Civalleri
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Modified: Thu Feb 9 21:54:57 2006 GMT
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