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Up Directory CCL 06.07.16 Zeolite'06, Symposium on Modeling Natural Zeolites, Socorro, New Mexico, USA
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Feb 20 11:46:17 2006
Subject: 06.07.16 Zeolite'06, Symposium on Modeling Natural Zeolites, Socorro, New Mexico, USA
Please note the following symposium at the upcoming Zeolite06 conference
to be held July 16-21, 2006 in Socorro, New Mexico.

Modeling of Zeolite Surfaces and Processes

The symposium will include summaries of research involving computational
chemistry and molecular simulation of zeolite materials.  Theoretical
models of the structure, properties, dynamics, and behavior of bulk
zeolites and zeolite surfaces will be highlighted at this symposium.
Special presentations will be given by invited speakers Martha Mitchell
of New Mexico State University and Edward Maginn of University of Notre

The abstract deadline is April 1, 2006.  Additional information on the
meeting and related symposia can be found at:
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Modified: Mon Feb 20 16:46:17 2006 GMT
Page accessed 8019 times since Mon Feb 20 16:44:33 2006 GMT

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