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Up Directory CCL 06.07.31 Molecular Simulation and Structure Prediction -- Summer Workshop, La Jolla, CA
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Tue Feb 21 19:19:19 2006
Subject: 06.07.31 Molecular Simulation and Structure Prediction -- Summer Workshop, La Jolla, CA
Summer Workshop - Molecular Simulation and Structure Prediction
 La Jolla, California
 July 31- August 4, 2006

The Center for Theoretical Biological Physics, CTBP,
in conjunction with the Center for the Development of Multiscale Modeling
Tools for Structural Biology, MMTSB, , will be
hosting "Molecular Simulation and Structure Prediction using CHARMM
and the MMTSB Tool Set" to be held in La Jolla, CA July 31- August 4, 2006.

CTBP has funding available from the National Science Foundation to provide
UCSD campus housing and meals for all the invited workshop participants. 
In addition, funds are available to defray other travel expenses. 
On-line applications can be submitted at 
The application deadline is Friday, March 17, 2006.

This workshop will provide participants with a solid introduction to 
the theory and methodology behind current methods of molecular simulations 
in biophysics: force field development, simulation algorithms, analysis 
techniques and advanced sampling and simulation methods, and structure
prediction/refinement. Participants will be involved in hands-on 
applications of these principles through tutorials and individual 
pursuits, conducted with the mentorship of leading researchers in
the field of molecular biophysics theory and simulation. The workshop 
will focus on the implementation of these approaches through the CHARMM 
macromolecular simulation program and the MMTSB Tool Set. The workshop 
will be aimed at students, postdocs and faculty who have a background 
in quantitative areas of biology as well as physics and chemistry.

The workshop will be presented by Charles L. Brooks, III, The Scripps 
Research Institute; Michael Feig, Michigan State University; Wonpil Im, 
The University of Kansas; Alex MacKerrel, University of Maryland; 
Lennart Nilsson, Karolinska Institute; and Benoit Roux, The University 
of Chicago.
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