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Up Directory CCL 06.06.24 2006 ISQPB President's Meeting, Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg, France
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Feb 22 07:57:41 2006
Subject: 06.06.24 2006 ISQPB President's Meeting, Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg, France
The 2006 ISQPB President's Meeting is in Strasbourg, France on June 24-27.  
Early registration for the meeting ends March 1.  
After March 1 the registration fee increases by 50 Euros for all classes 
of participants.

Please access the meeting web site to register online.

Please note that to qualify for the membership rate for the President's meeting 
dues payment must be up to date. 2006 membership fee of $30 now due.  
Please access the ISQBP site for information on paying the dues.
The biannual meeting of the ISQBP is designed to facilitate the interaction of 
chemists, pharmacologists and biologists with respect to the field of 
computational biology and chemistry. The meeting format includes approximately 
150 participants, a single session of invited speakers, poster sessions and breaks 
to allow for interactive discussions between an international collection of participants 
and speakers. The site was selected to facilitate attendance by graduate students 
and postdoctoral fellows in Europe as well as the rest of the world. 

Meeting Topics
Computer-Aided Drug Design/Molecular Recognition
Large Scale Conformational Changes of Biomolecules
Enzyme Catalysis via QM/MM methods
Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions

Jean-Marie Lehn  (Strasbourg)		--- David Case	 (Scripps Res. Inst.)
Dino Moras  (Strasbourg)		--- Richard Lavery 	(Paris)
Charles Brooks	 (Scripps Res. Inst.)	--- Lennart Nilsson 	(Karolinska Inst.)
Carol Post	 (Purdue University)	--- David Perahia 	(Paris)
Nigel Richards	 (Univ. of Florida)	--- Rebecca Wade	 (EML, Heidelberg)
Martin Field	 (CEA, Grenoble)		--- Richard Friesner  (Columbia University)
Stefan Fischer  (Heidelberg)		--- David Beveridge	 (Wesleyan University)
Roland Stote	 (Strasbourg)		--- Monte Pettitt	 (Univ. of Houston)
Shaomeng Wang	 (Univ. of Michigan)

Symposium Organizers
Alexander D. MacKerell, Jr.  
Roland Stote                        
Annick P. Dejaegere             
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Modified: Wed Feb 22 14:22:36 2006 GMT
Page accessed 8169 times since Wed Feb 22 10:40:36 2006 GMT

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