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Up Directory CCL 06.07.28 3rd EMBO Practical Course on Biomolecular Simulation, Paris, France
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Feb 22 10:48:14 2006
Subject: 06.07.28 3rd EMBO Practical Course on Biomolecular Simulation, Paris, France
3rd EMBO Practical Course on Biomolecular Simulation
Paris, France
28th June to 4th July 2006

The 3rd EMBO Practical Course on Biomolecular Simulation
will take place from 28th June to 4th July 2006 at the
Pasteur Institute in Paris, France.

The course topics will include:
Molecular and Brownian dynamics simulation, Monte Carlo techniques,
electrostatics, free energy calculations, QM/MM, homology modeling, 
drug design

Course organizers: 
Michael Nilges (Pasteur Institute, Paris)
Rebecca Wade (EML Research, Heidelberg)

Course lecturers:
Arnaud Blondel 
Valerie Daggett 
Konrad Hinsen 
Leslie Kuhn 
Richard Lavery 
Tom Simonson 
Alan Mark 
Adrian Mulholland 
Anna Tramontano 

Registration forms and course details are at:

Registration deadline:  1 April 2006
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Modified: Wed Feb 22 15:51:10 2006 GMT
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