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Up Directory CCL 06.07.22 Quantum Monte Carlo in the Apuan Alps II, Workshop, Tuscany, Italy
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Feb 22 11:23:35 2006
Subject: 06.07.22 Quantum Monte Carlo in the Apuan Alps II, Workshop, Tuscany, Italy

Quantum Monte Carlo in the Apuan Alps II

Sat 22nd July - Sat 29th July 2006
The Towler Institute, via del Collegio, Vallico Sotto, Tuscany, Italy

Following last year's successful informal workshop (detailed report
available on the above website) the Cambridge University Theory of 
Condensed Matter group is organizing a second International Workshop to 
discuss the development and application of the continuum quantum Monte 
Carlo method in condensed matter physics and quantum chemistry. 
The conference will take place in our 15th Century Tuscan monastery 
in the Apuan Alps. The format adopted for these events involves formal 
presentations being restricted to the mornings, with the afternoons 
and evenings left free for relaxed discussion whilst participating 
in mountain walks and other healthy outdoor activities.

This year's expanded conference will involve up to 25 people, all
accommodated on site. Given the limited space most speakers will be
specifically invited, but other people who feel they have something to
contribute and wish to attend the event should contact Mike Towler 
(mdt26 at for further details.

Confirmed speakers so far: Richard Needs, Cyrus Umrigar, Lubos Mitas, 
Alan Aspuru-Guzik, Ian Snook, Paolo Umari, Jeff Grossman, 
Dario Bressanini, Matthew Foulkes, Andrew Williamson, Neil Drummond, 
Pablo Lopez Rios, Alexander Badinski, Andrea Ma, Matthew Brown, 
Idoia de Gurtubay, Nick Hine, Ryo Maezono, John Trail, Graham Spink, 
Samantha Keil, Mike Towler.

"It was easily the most enjoyable conference I have ever attended, and in
the most beautiful location"

"Each of the days in Tuscany was amazingly wonderful, can I ever imagine
Italian lovely place without any crowd of Japanese tourists?" [from a
Japanese person]

"Thank you many times for the terrific time we (and in particular me) had
at the TTI. I think that was my summer highlight for this year, and I
suppose that it was the perfect atmosphere for our QMC family to grow
closer together!!"

"Very educational, very relaxing, just great.. Thanks for this memorable
week in Tuscany"
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