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Up Directory CCL 06.07.10 VII Girona Seminar on the Nature of the Chemical Bond, University of Girona, Catalonia, Spain
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Feb 24 03:08:02 2006
Subject: 06.07.10 VII Girona Seminar on the Nature of the Chemical Bond, University of Girona, Catalonia, Spain
VII Girona Seminar on the Nature of the Chemical Bond
University of Girona, Catalonia, Spain
July 10-13, 2006

The aim of the conference is to give the audience an impression of 
the recent developments and applications of quantum chemistry to 
the theoretical analysis of the nature of the chemical bond. This 
will be the main subject, although, following the philosophy of the 
six previous Girona Seminars, other aspects such as theoretical chemistry,
quantum chemistry, mathematical chemistry, molecular similarity, molecular
properties, density functions and density functional theory, and 
quantitative structure-properties relationships will also be welcome.

More information concerning the Conference (pre-registration, fellowships,
fees, accommodation, international and local organizing committees, 
schedule, social events, etc.) is available in the dedicated VII Girona 
Seminar WEB site (
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Modified: Fri Feb 24 14:33:09 2006 GMT
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