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Up Directory CCL 06.04.06 InforSense Users Conference, Boston, MA
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Mar 4 11:41:05 2006
Subject: 06.04.06 InforSense Users Conference, Boston, MA
SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT: Inforsense Users Conference
April 6-7 2006, Boston, USA

Dear Colleague, 
The first InforSense Users Conference, to be held on April 6-7 2006,
in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, is now just two weeks away.  If you
have not already registered for this exciting and informative event,
we are very pleased to invite you to register using the links below.

Our Users Conference will provide you with the opportunity to learn
how InforSense KDE is being used to enable business-critical decision
making across a variety of industries. You will also have time to
network with others in the InforSense community and the chance to
provide your input into future integrative analytics product plans.   
The Users Conference agenda is now available and features Keynotes
and presentations by InforSense users and partners including
GlaxoSmithKline, Biogen Idec, Syngenta, Spotfire, Windber Research
Institute, and more.  You are invited to a Reception and
Partner Integration Showcase highlighting key partner technologies
accessible with InforSense KDE.  Attendees can also select Workshops
and User Clinics designed to help you to maximize the value of
InforSense technology in your organization.  

Please view the Draft Agenda here:

The InforSense Users Conference will take place at the downtown Boston
offices of Apple Computer in the Prudential Center.  Attendance is free
of charge.

Please register today

to reserve your place and receive further information of this valuable
event. If you do not receive registration confirmation or for any other
questions, please call Emma Cutting at +44 207 808 9524 or send email
to .

InforSense Users Conference
Date and Time: 
Thursday, April 6, 2006 8:00am - 7pm
Friday, April 7, 2006 8:00am - 4pm 

Apple  Computer Market Center
111 Huntington Ave., 5th Floor
Boston, MA 02199 USA 
 +1 617 263 7200


InforSense Ltd
+44 207 808 9500

InforSense -  North America 
+1 617 547 2500

----------- older announcement --------
InforSense Users Conference,
 April 6-7 2006, Boston, USA
We are very pleased to announce the first InforSense Users Conference, 
to be held on April 6-7 2006, in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
 The Conference will provide you with the opportunity to learn how InforSense KDE
 is being used to enable business-critical decision making across a variety of
 industries. Contributions from Keynote Speakers, InforSense KDE users, Partners
 and InforSense Product Specialists will help you to maximize the value of
 InforSense technology in your organization. You will also have time to network
 with others in the InforSense community and the chance to provide your input
 into future integrative analytics product plans.
 This exciting and informative event will take place at the downtown Boston
 offices of Apple Computer in the Prudential Center, Boston.  Attendance is free
 of charge.
 Please register today at ( ) to
 reserve your place and receive further information of this valuable event.  For
 any other questions, please call Emma Cutting at +44 207 808 9524 or send email
 to information!A!
 InforSense Ltd
 459a Fulham Road
 London SW10 9UZ UK
 +44 207 808 9500
 InforSense -  North America
 25 Moulton Street,
 Cambridge, MA 02138
 +1 617 547 2500
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Modified: Tue Mar 21 21:12:02 2006 GMT
Page accessed 7615 times since Sat Mar 4 16:41:06 2006 GMT

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