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Up Directory CCL 06.07.26 6th Canadian Computational Chemistry Conference, Vancouver, Canada
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Mar 15 18:40:48 2006
Subject: 06.07.26 6th Canadian Computational Chemistry Conference, Vancouver, Canada
Dear Colleagues,

The Sixth Canadian Computational Chemistry Conference (CCCC6) will be held 
on July 26-30, 2006 at the beautiful campus of the University of British 
Columbia in Vancouver, Canada (

Held every three years, the CCCC continues the tradition of showcasing the
achievement and advances of computational chemistry in Canada and all over
the world. The scope of the CCCC6 is devoted to all areas of computational 
chemistry, with special emphasis on novel method developments and 
state-of-the-art applications in life and materials sciences. 

We have assembled a star cast composed of forty-four world-renowned 
computational scientists from academia and industry for the CCCC6:

	Ruben Abagyan (Scripps)
	Yuriko Aoki (Kyushu, Japan)
	Paul W. Ayers (McMaster)
	Rodney J. Bartlett (Florida)
	Axel D. Becke (Dalhousie)
	Richard Bowles (Saskatchewan)
	Russell J. Boyd (Dalhousie)
	Alexander Brown (Alberta)
	Emily A. Carter (Princeton)
	Jonathan W. Essex (Southampton, UK) 
	Julian D. Gale (Curtin, Australia)
	Jiali Gao (Minnesota)
	Michael K. Gilson (Maryland)
	Radu I. Iftimie (Montreal)
	Andreas Klamt (COSMOlogic, Germany)
	Andriy Kovalenko (NRC, NINT, Alberta)
	Roman Krems (UBC)
	Peter Kusalik (Calgary)
	Themis Lazaridis (CUNY) 
	Paul A. Madden (Edinburgh, UK)
	David E. Manolopoulos (Oxford)
	Todd J. Martinez (Illinois)
	Anne B. McCoy (Ohio State)
	Dan McKay (Merck-Frosst, Montreal)
	Nicolas Moitessier (McGill) 
	Marcel Nooijen (Waterloo)
	Sergei Noskov (Calgary)
	Alexey Onufriev (Virginia Tech)
	Grenfell N. Patey (UBC)
	Gilles H. Peslherbe (Concordia)
	Piotr Piecuch (Michigan State)
	Regis Pomes (Toronto)
	Jeremy Schofield (Toronto)
	Moshe Shapiro (UBC)
	Woody Sherman (Schrodinger)
	Peter Tieleman (Calgary)
	Troy Van Hoorhis (MIT)
	Tomasz A. Wesolowski (Geneva)
	Shoshana J. Wodak (Toronto & Brussells) 
	Tom K. Woo (Ottawa)
	Weitao Yang (Duke)
	John Z. H. Zhang (NYU)
	Tom Ziegler (Calgary)
	Zsolt Zsoldos (SimBioSys, Toronto)

The conference will begin in the evening (registration) on Wednesday, 
July 26 and will end in the afternoon on Sunday, July 30. The daily
lecture sessions will be scheduled from July 27 to 30, between 8:30 AM
and 6:15 PM. Two poster sessions will be held at 2-4 PM on July 28-29. 
The welcome reception will be held at 6-8 PM on July 27 and the banquet 
is scheduled at 7:30-10 PM on July 29.

The conference website is now open for abstract submission and registration. 
Please visit the conference website ( for more 
information and details.

With extensive advertising all over the world, we anticipate that the 
total number of participants of the CCCC6 will probably reach 250. This 
will definitely be a wonderful opportunity to know the latest cutting-edge
advances in computational chemistry and to network with your colleagues 

We sincerely hope you will join us for a four-day scientific fest at UBC
during the CCCC6.

With best wishes,

The CCCC6 Organizing Committee
Yan Alexander Wang (UBC)
Pierre-Nicholas Roy (Alberta)
Enrico O. Purisima (BRI, NRC)
Mark Thachuk (UBC)
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Modified: Wed Mar 15 23:40:48 2006 GMT
Page accessed 9146 times since Wed Mar 15 23:40:48 2006 GMT

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