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Up Directory CCL 06.06.06 Symposium on Progress and Future Prospects in Molecular Dynamics Simulation -In Memory of Professor Shuichi Nose-, Keio Univ., Yokohama, Japan
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Apr 28 14:51:37 2006
Subject: 06.06.06 Symposium on Progress and Future Prospects in Molecular Dynamics Simulation -In Memory of Professor Shuichi Nose-, Keio Univ., Yokohama, Japan
       Symposium on Progress and Future Prospects 
            in Molecular Dynamics Simulation
          -In Memory of Professor Shuichi Nose- 

   June 6 - 8, Yagami Campus of Keio University in Yokohama, Japan

  Symposium on Progress and Future Prospects in Molecular Dynamics 
Simulation -In Memory of Professor Shuichi Nose- will be held on 
June 6-8 at Yagami Campus of Keio University in Yokohama, Japan.

  The symposium is organized in memory of Shuichi Nose, who passed away 
on 17 August 2005 at the age of 54, by his colleagues in Keio University 
and his Japanese friends in the field of molecular simulations. 
  In 1984, he published a new and fruitful algorithm, which exactly 
reproduces Gibbs' canonical ensemble in molecular dynamics simulations. 
This approach is now well known as the Nose thermostat method and has been 
widely applied to various fields of molecular simulations.  
  The purpose of the symposium is to express our heartfelt sorrow over 
his death and to give high praise to his work. Moreover, we plan to discuss
recent developments in the field of molecular simulations. 

  The organizers would like to encourage the participants, especially 
young students and post-docs, to contribute and cover a broad range of 
topics in the field of molecular simulations. Participation is free of 
registration fee. 

Invited Speakers:

M. P. Allen (University of Warwick) 
  (tentative title) Molecular Dynamics of Complex Fluids 
H. C. Andersen (Stanford University) 
  (tentative title) Extraction of Long Time Markov Processes from Short 
                    Time Molecular Dynamics Simulations 
W. G. Hoover (University of California)
  (tentative title) Nose Hoover Nonequilibrium Dynamics and Statistical 
M. L. Klein (University of Pennsylvania)
  (tentative title)  
M. Sprik (University of Cambridge)
  (tentative title) Density Functional Theory Based Molecular Dynamics in 
                    Physical Chemistry 
J. Tse (University of Saskatchewan)
  (tentative title) Structure, Dynamics and Superconductivity of Dense 
                    Metallic Hydrides 
M. Doi (University of Tokyo)
  (tentative title) MicroMeso Modeling of Polymer Adhesion 
Y. Hiwatari (Kanazawa University)
  (tentative title) MDMC Hybrid Molecular Simulation for Electrodeposition 
Y. Kataoka (Hosei University)
  (tentative title) The Phase Diagram of the Step-Function System by 
                    Molecular Simulations 
K. Kawamura (Tokyo Institue of Technology)
  (tentative title)  
T. Morishita (AIST)
  (tentative title) NosAndersenCar-Parrinello Molecular Dynamics Approach 
                    toward polyamorphism
I. Ohmine (Nagoya University)
  (tentative title) Water Dynamics; Fluctuation, Phase Transition and 
                    Chemical Reactions 
Y. Okamoto (Nagoya University)
  (tentative title) Generalized-Ensemble Algorithms for Molecular Dynamics 
K. Terakura (Hokkaido University)
  (tentative title) Solvation and Reaction of Ions and Molecules in Water 
F. Yonezawa (Keio University)
  (tentative title) Study of Glass Transition by Means of Molecular Dynamics 
                    Simulations -Heart-Warming Memories of Collaboration with 
                    Prof. Shuichi Nose 
  Full details as well as the registration and abstract submission form can 
be found on the website

  If you have any queries please contact us by sending an e-mail to
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Modified: Fri Apr 28 18:51:38 2006 GMT
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