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Up Directory CCL 06.09.27 Rietveld Refinement and Indexing Workshop, Newton Square, PA
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Jun 15 14:03:30 2006
Subject: 06.09.27 Rietveld Refinement and Indexing Workshop, Newton Square, PA
Rietveld Refinement & Indexing Workshop
27-29 September 2006
Sponsored by the International Centre for Diffraction Data
Newtown Square, Pennsylvania U.S.A.

Contact: Conference Services
Phone: +610-325-9814
Fax: +610-325-9823
E-mail: clinics/a\


Workshop Description:

Learn the principles and techniques of Rietveld Analysis at ICDD's
Specialized Three-day Workshop.  Reinforce your learning experiences with
our hands-on data analysis training!

Discover the Rietveld Method as a powerful tool for:

*        Extracting structural information from powder patterns 
*        Performing quantitative phase analysis 
*        Obtaining microstructural information

Our collaborations with the Material Phases Data System and the National
Institute of Standards and Technology as well as our own Grant-in-Aid
Program have provided atomic coordinates and related parameters to ICDD's
new database: PDF-4+.  This workshop will focus on the expanded quantitative
analysis capabilities of PDF-4+.
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Modified: Thu Jun 15 18:03:30 2006 GMT
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