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Up Directory CCL 08.09.24 Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry in 2008 (TACC2008), Shanghai, China
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sun Jun 18 00:05:57 2006
Subject: 08.09.24 Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry in 2008 (TACC2008), Shanghai, Chinaa
The International Conference on The Theory and Applications of 
         Computational Chemistry in 2008 (TACC2008)

To be held on September 24-28, 2008  in Shanghai, China

Since the first applications of computer in chemistry in the early 1960's, 
"computational chemistry" has evolved today to be at the vanguard of most 
advances in chemistry, material science, physics, geology, biology and 
medicine. Its impact in chemistry can be noted from the fact that within 
four decades of its existence, five of the top ten most highly cited 
publications in 125 years of JACS are related to computational chemistry. 
In addition to technical advances in computers and algorithms, the 
phenomenal impact of computational chemistry is due to the dedicated and 
sustained efforts of many individuals. In this regard, we felt that it 
would be befitting to organize a symposium "Theory and Applications of 
Computational Chemistry" in 2008 gathering a large number of the world's 
leading exponents of computational chemistry. This event also follows 
previous successful TACC conferences, for example, the 2004 TACC 
conference in Korea.  

Following the tradition of TACC conferences we shall invite a significant 
number of leading scientists to give preliminary talks. There are also 
many parallel sessions and poster presentations to allow conference 
participants present their research works. 

 Call For Contributions

Abstracts for contributed talks/posters are welcomed in any area of
computational and theoretical chemistry. The deadline for all contributions
is Jan. 15, 2008.  All abstracts will be reviewed, and the authors 
ill be informed about the status of their presentation around 
March 30, 2008.   Please send your abstract to
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Modified: Fri Oct 19 12:59:43 2007 GMT
Page accessed 15022 times since Sun Jun 18 04:03:11 2006 GMT

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