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Up Directory CCL 06.10.16 eCheminfo Meeting: Latest Advances in Drug Discovery Design & Planning Methods
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Jun 29 08:10:30 2006
Subject: 06.10.16 eCheminfo Meeting: Latest Advances in Drug Discovery Design & Planning Methods, Philadelphia, PA
The eCheminfo Community of Practice InterAction Meeting "Latest Advances in
Drug Discovery Design & Planning Methods" will take place 16-19 October 2006,
Bryn Mawr, Philadelphia, USA

Program themes include Structure-based Drug Design (SBDD), Screening &
Docking, Cheminformatics & Modeling supporting Medicinal Chemistry,
Pharmacophores, Metabolomics, Quantum Biochemistry, Knowledge Management,
Electronic Lab Notebooks, Critical Path Innovation in Drug Development,
Biomarkers, Predictive Toxicology & ADME. In addition to morning
presentations and panel discussions, workshops will run each afternoon
expanding on the discussion of topics and methods and working through the
application of new methods and software to drug discovery & development
problems, with bbq, social activity and poster sessions running on campus
during the evenings.

The SBDD session will be chaired by Frank Hollinger (Locus
Pharmaceuticals) and includes presentations from himself and Erin Duffy
(Rib-X), Mike Malams (Wyeth), Debananda Das (NCI), and Max Cummings (J&J PR&D) 

The screening session will include Stan Young (NISS), John Irwin (UCSF),
Deepak Bandyopadhyay (J&J PR&D), Daryll Reid (Simbiosys), Gregory Warren
(GSK), and William Douglas Figg (NCI). We will also host a screening forum
to discuss current virtual screening and docking methods and software,
results of existing validation and comparison studies, and procedures for
community of practice studies to be undertaken. 

Bench Scientists & Modellers will discuss their experiences in using
Discovery Tools & Modeling in experimental drug discovery and will include
Chris Cooper (BMS), James Arnold (Astra-Zeneca), Phil Edwards
(Astra-Zeneca), Pete Connolly (J&J PRD), Dimitris Agrafiotis (J&J PRD),
and Jim Wikel (Coalesix). 

The Pedictive Tox day brings together leading ADME & Tox experts and
includes a Keynote from Tudor Oprea and seminars from Navita Mallalieu
(Roche), Alex Tropsha (UNC), Curt Breneman (RPI), Karim Kassam (ACD/Labs),
Michael Bolger (USC School of Pharmacy), Bob Clark (Tripos), and Gilles
Klopman (Multicase). 

The program also includes InnovationWell sessions on Drug Development,
Metabolomics, Biomarkers, Knowledge Management, and Decision Support which
are also available to all registrants to attend. 

The preliminary program and schedule can be viewed at:

Reduced rates apply for early registration through 30 June. Academic
discounts apply.  All registrants are eligible to submit an abstract (ca.
300 words) for the poster sessions.

Please address any questions related to the conference, exhibition or
workshop program to Dr. Barry Hardy, eCheminfo Community of Practice
Manager, +41 61 851 0170, barry.hardy [at] 
Registration enquiries should be directed to eCheminfo [at]
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Modified: Thu Jun 29 13:40:11 2006 GMT
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