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From: chemistry-request at To: chemistry-request at Date: Sat Sep 2 22:53:25 2006 Subject: 06.12.11 THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY SYMPOSIUM 2006, BHARATHIDASAN UNIVERSITY, INDIA Dear Colleagues, The Tenth Theoretical Chemistry Symposium (TCS 2006) will be held during December 11-13, 2006 at Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India ( This National Event is convened also as a part of the Silver Jubilee celebrations of Bharathidasan University. Usually held once in two years, the TCS provides a forum for discussing emerging trends in theoretical chemistry in India and in the whole world. The symposium will have technical discussions through invited lectures by leading experts and poster presentations by young researchers in the field. Recently theoretical chemistry has gained immense importance in view of its applications in material and life sciences. TCS 2006 tries to cover all areas of theoretical chemistry, with special emphasis on the following. Theoretical & Computational Methodologies in Chemistry Density Functional & Wave function based Quantum Chemistry Statistical Mechanics & its Applications in Chemistry Classical & Quantum Simulation of Complex Systems Electronic Structure & Spectroscopy of Molecules & Clusters Chemical Dynamics, Reactivity & Catalysis Chemistry at Surfaces and Interfaces Nonlinear Phenomena & Dynamics in Chemistry Molecular Materials & Nano-Systems, Soft Condensed Matter Biology-inspired Theoretical Chemistry Equilibrium & Non-equilibrium Processes in Condensed Phase Chemo & Bioinformatics, Drug Modelling The conference will begin in the morning on Monday, December 11 and will end in the noon on Wednesday, December 13. There will be totally six lecture sessions and two poster sessions and in that one lecture session is earmarked as a special session in honor of Professor Debashis Mukherjee, IACS, Kolkata a world-renowned theoretical chemist on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. The conference website is now open for registration and abstract submission. The deadline for all contributions is September 30, 2006. Please visit the conference website for more information and details. Totally 200 participants, including few foreign delegates, are expected for TCS 2006 and this would be a wonderful opportunity to know the latest trends in theoretical chemistry and to initiate newer collaborations worldwide. We look forward to meeting you at Tiruchirappalli during TCS 2006. With best wishes, P.Venuvanalingam Convener, TCS 2006 School of Chemistry Bharathidasan University Tiruchirappalli 620 024, INDIA E-mail: convener[]tcs2006.inNOTE THAT E-MAIL ADDRESSES HAVE BEEN MODIFIED!!! All @ signs were changed to [] to fight spam. Before you send e-mail, you need to change [] to @ For example: change joe[] to Please let colleagues know about conference listingts at Computational Chemistry List Conference Page at Please help: If you find this conference list useful but you noticed some conference missing, please consider including it here by using the Conference Submission Page. It is free but your support is welcome. You will help others!!! |
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