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Up Directory CCL 07.06.07 Engineering of Crystalline Materials Properties, Modeling, Design, Applications, Erice, Sicily
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Sep 23 10:48:02 2006
Subject: 07.06.07 Engineering of Crystalline Materials Properties, Modeling, Design, Applications, Erice, Sicily
Engineering of Crystalline Materials Properties, Modeling, Design, Applications
Erice, Sicily

The course main aim is to revise the state-of-the-art in design of new 
materials with properties of technological interest, to allow a faster 
progress towards the rational design of these materials in academia and 
industry. Besides, The course will attempt to establish a common language 
between disciplines that are not traditionally in close contact (materials 
chemistry, solid state reactivity, nanotechnology and biotechnology). 
The scientific programme is focused on the modelling, design, synthesis 
and applications of crystalline solids and on the methods to understand 
and to exploit the resulting collective properties. Top notch scientists 
will cover the most relevant aspects on molecule-based materials, and 
discuss frontier problems for applications in magnetism, conductivity and 
superconductivity, non-linear optics, drug delivery, bio- and 
nano-technology. The course aims mainly at showing the potential 
developments of molecule-based materials (magnetic, conducting, 
superconduction, non-linear optical, bioltechnological) and to foster 
new lines of research aimed at the rational synthesis of these materials. 
An example is the increasing amount of structural research on fullerenes 
and their elongated (nanotube) derivatives, as they promise to play 
a major role in several areas of modern technology from medicine to 
molecular electronics and civil engineering; new molecule-based materials 
can also play a key role in electronics and computers; another example is 
lithium batteries and the importance of structure in their design, to 
satisfy the demand for reliable and safe high energy-high power tools by 
the medical, transportation, space and defense sectors.

  Erice is a small town on the top of a mountain (751 m. above sea 
level) 12 km from the seaside, 96 km from Palermo at the extreme upper 
left corner of Sicily(photos). By mithology and greek historians, it 
is supposed to have been founded by those abandoning Troy, after the 
defeat, a thousand or so years b.C.
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Modified: Sat Sep 23 14:48:02 2006 GMT
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