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Up Directory CCL 07.01.15 Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference, Hong Kong
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Sep 23 10:55:53 2006
Subject: 07.01.15 Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference, Hong Kong
Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference, Hong Kong
Hong Kong, Jan 15-17, 2007

The Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference series is an annual forum for 
exploring research, development and novel applications of Bioinformatics. 
The Fifth Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference, APBC2007, will be held 
in Hong Kong.

The deadline for paper submission (July 15) has been passed!! Please 
consider poster submission and/or giving a tutorial (Deadline: Sept 30).
Financial support will be provided for a limited number of accepted 
papers from Mainland China with the condition that an author from China 
actually presents the paper in the conference.

Keynote Speakers: Prof. Joe Nadeau, Prof. Pavel Pevzner

High-throughput sequencing and functional genomics technologies have 
given us a human genome sequence and have enabled large-scale genotyping 
and gene expression profiling of human populations. Databases containing 
large numbers of sequences, polymorphisms, and gene expression profiles 
of normal and diseased tissues in different clinical states are rapidly 
being generated for human and model organisms. Bioinformatics is thus 
rapidly growing in importance in the understanding of the interplay 
between genes and proteins, in the analysis of the genetic variability 
of species, etc. The aim of this conference is to bring together 
researchers, professionals, and industrial practitioners for interaction 
and exchange of knowledge and ideas. We invite submissions that address 
conceptual and practical issues of bioinformatics.

Papers are solicited on, but not limited to, the following topics:

    * Sequence Analysis
    * Motif Finding
    * Recognition of Genes
    * RNA Analysis
    * Physical and Genetic Mapping
    * Evolution and Phylogeny
    * Protein Structure Analysis
    * Microarray Design
    * Transcriptome, Gene Expression
    * Proteomics
    * Pathways, Networks and Systems
    * Ontologies
    * Databases and Data Integration
    * Text Mining
    * Population Genetics/SNP/Haplotyping
    * Comparative Genomics, Genome Rearrangements
    * Applications


APBC2007 invites high-quality original papers on any topic related to 
Bioinformatics. Papers should be no more than 10 pages in length, 
all-inclusive -- title, addresses, abstract, text, figures, tables, 
and references, conforming to the formatting instructions (Latex2e, 
Word style files) for the series Advances in Bioinformatics & 
Computational Biology. Authors should submit one copy of a PDF file to 
APBC2007 Paper Submission Website. Expanded version of the selected 
papers will be invited for publication in Journal of Bioinformatics and 
Computational Biology
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Modified: Sat Sep 23 14:55:53 2006 GMT
Page accessed 7436 times since Sat Sep 23 14:55:53 2006 GMT

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