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CCL 07.01.21 ECCB - 5th European Conference on Computational Biology, Eilat, Israel |
From: chemistry-request at To: chemistry-request at Date: Sat Sep 23 11:18:03 2006 Subject: 07.01.21 ECCB - 5th European Conference on Computational Biology, Eilat, Israel ECCB - 5th European Conference on Computational Biology, Eilat, Israel January 21-24, 2007 (postponed from Sept. 2006). ECCB, the European Conference on Computational Biology, is an annual scientific meeting devoted to the latest research in computational biology and bioinformatics. The conference is held in a different country each year. This year it will be held in Israel, at the Red Sea resort of Eilat. Workshops/Tutorials Distributed, High-Performance, and Grid Computing BioSapiens - Genome Annotation Discovering and Interpreting Regulatory DNA Sequence Motifs Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetic Analysis Immunological Bioinformatics, Epitope Discovery, and Vaccine Design Gene and Protein Networks Sunday: Keynote: Richard Karp 20:30 Multiple Alignment by Sequence Annealing Ariel S. Schwartz and Lior Pachter 21:00 Tandem Repeats over the Edit Distance Dina Sokol, Gary Benson and Justin Tojeira 21:30 Opening reception Monday, 22 January 08:30 Registration opens 09:00 Keynote: Tom Blundell 10:00 Analysis of Binding Site Similarity, Small Molecule Similarity and Experimental Binding Profiles in the Human Cytosolic Sulfotransferase Family Rafael J. Najmanovich, Abdellah Allali-Hassani, Richard J. Morris, Ludmila Dombrovsky, Patricia W. Pan, Masoud Vedadi, Alexander N. Plotnikov, Cheryl Arrowsmith, Aled Edwards and Janet M. Thornton Software Demo: Advanced Micro Devices 10:30 Electrostatic Potentials of Proteins in Water: A Structured Continuum Approach Andreas Hildebrandt, Ralf Blossey, Sergej Rjasanow, Oliver Kohlbacher and Hans-Peter Lenhof 11:00 EBIMed - Text Crunching to Gather Facts for UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Proteins from Medline Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann, Harald Kirsch, Miguel Arregui, Sylvain Gaudan, Mark Riethoven, Peter Stoehr Software Demo: Large Scale Pedigree Haplotyper (LSPH) 11:30 Coffee 12:00 Optimization of Probe Coverage for High-Resolution Oligonucleotide aCGH Doron Lipson, Zohar Yakhini and Yonatan Aumann Software Demo: Grid Computing for Bioinformatics 12:30 Simultaneous Alignment and Annotation of cis-Regulatory Regions Abha Singh Bais, Steffen Grossmann and Martin Vingron 13:00 Genetic Code Symmetry and Efficient Design of GC-Constrained Coding Sequences Matan Gavish, Amnon Peled and Benny Chor 13:30 Discovering Tightly Regulated and Differentially Expressed Gene Sets in Whole Genome Expression Data Chun Ye and Eleazar Eskin 14:00 Lunch break 15:30 Biological Network Comparison Using Graphlet Degree Distribution Natasa Przulj Software Demo: Selecton: A Web Server for the Detection of Site-Specific Positive Darwinian Selection and Purifying Selection 16:00 Identification of Conserved Protein Complexes Based on a Model of Protein Network Evolution Eitan Hirsh and Roded Sharan 16:30 Phylogenetic Reconstruction from Non-Genomic Data Jose C. Clemente, Kenji Satou and Gabriel Valiente Software Demo: Text Mining as Web Services Provided from the EBI 17:00 Similarities and Differences of Gene Expression in Yeast Stress Conditions Oleg Rokhlenko, Ydo Wexler and Zohar Yakhini 17:30 Efficient Inference on Phylogenetic Trees Using Poisson Regression Saharon Rosset Software Demo: EVEREST: A Collection of Evolutionary Conserved Protein Domains 18:00 Coffee 18:30 Keynote: Naama Barkai 19:30 Poster session & reception 23:00 Tuesday, 23 January 08:30 Registration opens 09:00 Keynote: Jeffrey Skolnick 10:00 Vorolign - Fast Structural Alignment using Voronoi Contacts Fabian Birzele, Jan Erik Gewehr, Gergely Csaba and Ralf Zimmer Software Demo: Sun Microsystems, Inc. 10:30 Prediction and Simulation of Motion in Pairs of Transmembrane Alpha-Helices Angela Enosh, Sarel J. Fleishman, Nir Ben-Tal and Dan Halperin 11:00 Rediscovering Secondary Structures as Network Motifs - an Unsupervised Learning Approach Barak Raveh, Ofer Rahat, Ronen Basri and Gideon Schreiber Software Demo: Blast2GO v2 11:30 Coffee 12:00 A Tale of Two Tails: Why are Terminal Residues of Proteins Exposed? Etai Jacob and Ron Unger Software Demo: What's new with ArrayExpress 12:30 A Novel Pattern Recognition Algorithm to Classify Membrane Protein Unfolding Pathways with High-Throughput Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy Annalisa Marsico, Dirk Labudde, Tanuj Sapra, Daniel Mueller and Michael Schroeder 13:00 Using an Alignment of Fragment Strings for Comparing Protein Structures Iddo Friedberg, Tim Harder, Rachel Kolodny, Einat Sitbon, Zhanwen Li and Adam Godzik 13:30 ISIS: Interaction Sites Identified from Sequence Yanay Ofran and Burkhard Rost 14:00 Lunch break 15:30 Incremental Window-Based Protein Sequence Alignment Algorithms Huzefa Rangwala and George Karypis Software Demo: CFinder: Locating Cliques and Overlapping Modules in Biological Networks 16:00 Designing Patterns for Profile HMM Search Yanni Sun and Jeremy Buhler 16:30 Simulating Multiplexed SNP Discovery Rates using Base-Specific Cleavage and Mass Spectrometry Sebastian Bcker Software Demo: SABIO-RK (System for the Analysis of Biochemical Pathways - Reaction Kinetics) 17:00 Learning Probabilistic Models of cis-Regulatory Modules that Represent Logical and Spatial Aspects Keith Noto and Mark Craven 17:30 Festive dinner 23:00 Wednesday, 24 January 08:30 Registration opens 09:00 Keynote: Marc Vidal 10:00 TOPP - The OpenMS Proteomics Pipeline Oliver Kohlbacher, Knut Reinert, Clemens Grpl, Eva Lange, Nico Pfeifer, Ole Schulz-Trieglaff and Marc Sturm Software Demo: The SimpAT Package: Integrating SIMAP into its own Applications 10:30 Difference Detection in LC-MS Data for Protein Biomarker Discovery Jennifer Listgarten, Radford M. Neal, Sam T. Roweis, Peter Wong and Andrew Emili 11:00 Identifying HLA Supertypes by Learning Distance Functions Tomer Hertz and Chen Yanover Software Demo: COLOMBO/SIGI-HMM: Prediction of Genomic Islands in Procaryotic Genomes Using HMMs 11:30 Coffee 12:00 A Comparative Genome Approach to Marker Ordering Thomas Faraut, Simon de Givry, Patrick Chabrier, Thomas Derrien, Francis Galibert, Christophe Hitte and Thomas Schiex Software Demo: The Scriptome: Protocols for Manipulating Biological Data 12:30 Family Relationships: Should Consensus Reign? Macha Nikolski and David James Sherman 13:00 Merging Microarray Cell Synchronization Experiments through Curve Alignment Filip Hermans and Elena Tsiporkova 13:30 A Supervised Approach for Identifying Discriminating Genotype Patterns and its Application to Breast Cancer Data Nir Yosef, Zohar Yakhini, Anya Tsalenko, Eytan Ruppin and Roded Sharan 14:00 Lunch break 15:30 Inferring Phylogeny from Whole Genomes Pawel Gorecki and Jerzy Tiuryn Software Demo: DeltaProt: Molecular Comparison of Proteins based on Sequence Alignments 16:00 Using Median Sets for Inferring Phylogenetic Trees Bernt Matthias, Merkle Daniel and Middendorf Martin 16:30 Efficient Parsimony-Based Methods for Phylogenetic Network Reconstruction Guohua Jin, Luay Nakhleh, Sagi Snir and Tamir Tuller Software Demo: CoryneRegNet: An Integrative Bioinformatics Platform for the Analysis of Transcription Factors and Regulatory Networks 17:00 Phylogeny Reconstruction: Increasing the Accuracy of Pairwise Distance Estimation Using Bayesian Inference of Evolutionary Rates Matan Ninio, Eyal Privman, Tal Pupko and Nir Friedman 17:30 Coffee 18:00 Keynote: Martin Vingron 19:00 Closing ceremony & awardsNOTE THAT E-MAIL ADDRESSES HAVE BEEN MODIFIED!!! 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