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Up Directory CCL 07.08.22 24 European Crystallographic Metting, Morocco
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Sep 23 11:27:05 2006
Subject: 07.08.22 24 European Crystallographic Metting, Morocco
24 European Crystallographic Metting, Morocco
22 to 27 August 2007 in Marrakech, Morocco

On behalf of the Organizing Committee and the International Program 
I have the pleasure to invite you to the 24th European Crystallographic 
Meeting which will be held from 22 to 27 August 2007 in Marrakech the 
millennium city.

The scientific program has been articulated jointly with ECA and Chairmen 
of SIG network. The Organizing and Program Committee have been working 
diligently to plan an outstanding scientific and social program.

With a well symbiosis of tradition and modernity, Marrakech is an elegant 
and exotic venue for ECM24. Well known with its historical monuments and 
the famous Jamaa el Fna square with its storytellers, snake charmers and 
popular musicians, Marrakech has also, since centuries, a long tradition 
of hosting Scientific events and was the meeting point of savants, 
philosophers such as, Inbnou Zohr (Averroes), Ibnou Rochd (Averroes), 
and the famous mathematician Ibnou Al Banna. The Ben Youssef Madarsa 
(ECM24 Photography) established in the 14th century was one of the first 
famous Islamic University where theology was taught as well as mathematic 
and astronomy. Nowadays Marrakech hosts one of the biggest modern 
academic centers in Morocco.
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