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Up Directory CCL 07.09.02 Symposium on Advanced Methods of Quantum Chemistry and Physics, Torun, Poland
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Oct 4 08:17:44 2006
Subject: 07.09.02 Symposium on Advanced Methods of Quantum Chemistry and Physics, Torun, Poland
Symposium on Advanced Methods of Quantum Chemistry and Physics
                            SAMQCP 2007

                           Torun, Poland
                         2-6 September 2007
e-mail: samqcp _

SAMQCP is another conference in the series covering the theory of 
many electron systems in physics and chemistry. The series has 
originated from the Harvard Conference of 1990 held at the Institute 
for Theoretical Atomic and Molecular Physics of the Harvard-Smitsonian 
Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA, USA. Then there were regular 
meetings held approximately every 3-4 years (Physikzentrum in Bad Honnef,
1994, WE-Heraeus-Stiftung, Germany; Cedar Key, 1997, Quantum Theory 
Project, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA; and again in Bad Honnef 
in 2001).
Organizing this conference links also to the old tradition of Schools 
of Advanced Methods of Quantum Chemistry which were regularly organized 
in Bachotek in 1970s and 1980s by the Quantum Theory Departments and 
Groups at the Institute of Physics at the University.
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Modified: Wed Oct 4 12:17:44 2006 GMT
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