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Up Directory CCL 07.03.26 5th Intl. Workshop on New Approaches in Drug Design and Discovery, Marburg, Germany
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Oct 12 19:16:24 2006
Subject: 07.03.26 5th Intl. Workshop on New Approaches in Drug Design and Discovery, Marburg, Germany
The 5th Intl. Workshop on New Approaches in Drug Design & Discovery
will be held in Schloss Rauischholzhausen, near Marburg, Germany,
from Monday, March 26, to Thursday, March 29, 2007.

The title of the workshop this year is
"Merging Chemical & Biological Space".

Any further information regarding the program and the registration
procedure, as well as accommodation and location can be found at
the following website:

Deadline for pre-registration is Dec-01-2006. Early submission
of the online application form is highly recommended since no
more than 90 participants can be accepted.
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Modified: Thu Oct 12 23:16:24 2006 GMT
Page accessed 7386 times since Thu Oct 12 23:16:24 2006 GMT

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