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CCL 07.03.06 Computational Materials Design (CMD) Workshop, Osaka University, Japan |
From: chemistry-request at To: chemistry-request at Date: Tue Oct 31 11:32:20 2006 Subject: 07.03.06 Computational Materials Design (CMD) Workshop, Osaka University, Japan International Institute for Advanced Studies 9-3 Kizukawa-dai, Kizu-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-0225 TEL : 0774-73-4000 Kansai Photon Science Institute, Japan Atomic Energy Agency 8-1 Umemi-dai, Kizu-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-0215 TEL : 0774-71-3475 SPONSORS * Osaka University * International Institute for Advanced Studies * Hiroshima University, Tokyo University of Science * Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Core-to-Core Program "Computational NanoMaterial Design" * Osaka University Quantum Engineering Design Research Initiative (OU-QEDRI) SUPPORT * Japan Atomic Energy Agency * Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas "Developing Next Generation Quantum Simulators and Quantum-Based Design Techniques" * Osaka University "QUANTUM ENGINEERING DESIGN RESEARCH INITIATIVE (QEDRI)" BACKGROUND and MOTIVATION The basic foundations of our technology, and its foreseen development in the 21st century, basically lie on the physical sciences and, if one desires to distinguish, also material science. To meet the ever-increasing demand for novel materials, and at the same time satisfy the growing public concern for the energy/power consumption and environmental impacts, novel routines other than relying on the age-old tradition of trial-and-error/hit-and-miss would be necessary. Given these circumstances, we need to develop novel theoretical routines and techniques that could quickly and efficiently find novel materials for synthesis, that would suit our purposes. The theoretical routines and techniques necessary should incorporate quantum mechanics per se, and should not be dependent on experimental results and/or empirical parameters. Ab-Initio/First Principles Calculations satisfy all these requirements. With recent developments in computational techniques, coupled with the rapid progress in computer efficiency, ab-initio/first principles-based COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS DESIGN (CMD) is now a reality. Its impact/influence on industrial R&D should increase with the passing years. The purpose of these series of workshops is to provide the participants with a first-hand experience of how COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS DESIGN (CMD) is carried out, provide them with the basic knowledge and techniques, to better prepare them for the new paradigm in materials science research. COURSE OFFERINGS Lectures, as well as hand-on sessions, will be conducted for the purpose of imparting on the participants various quantum simulations techniques, that could be applied in performing ab-initio based design of nano-materials and nano-devices. For the CMD workshop series, we are offering the ff. three (3) i ntensive, hands-on courses: * Beginner Course, * Advanced Course, and * Expert Course. REQUIREMENTS Participants are required to attend all the sessions held in their respective courses, including the night sessions. MAX. # of Participants 25 participants (Add'l participants will be considered based on the essay content written in the application form.) EXPENSES There is no registration fee. [However, each participant is expected to shoulder expenses they may incur during the workshop (travel, board and lodging, printed materials, etc.).] APPLICATION PROCEDURE Please fill up the corresponding forms provided below, and send it by fax AND e-mail (both) to: CMD SECRETARIAT Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University E- mail: cmd{:} FAX : 06-6879-7859 * Beginner Course: Application Form(pdf), (rtf) * Advanced Course: Application Form(pdf), (rtf) * Expert Course: Application Form(pdf), (rtf) APPLICATION DEADLINE 4 February 2007 Beginner Course * CMD Advanced Case Studies * Basic Principles of Ab-Initio Calculations * IIntroductory Hands-On (covering all the simulation codes offered) Advanced Course * CMD Advanced Case Studies * CMD Intensive Hands-On (concentrating on 2 simulation codes chosen by the participant from among the codes offered) Expert Course * CMD Practicum * CMD Advanced Case Studies Reference Material: Available CMD Simulation Codes (alphabetical order) (Some may be in Japanese only. Course contents may change depending on the availability of the lecturers.) * <---- ABCAP * <---- ES-opt * <---- HiLAPW * <---- Machikaneyama2001 * <---- Naniwa2001 * <---- OSAKA2K * <---- STATE-Senri * <---- TSPACE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Hisazumi AKAI (Professor, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University), Chairperson Hideaki KASAI (Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University), Secretariat Junjiro KANAMORI (Director, International Institute for Advanced Studies) Hiroshi KATAYAMA-YOSHIDA (Professor, Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University)) Naoshi SUZUKI (Professor, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University) Tadashi ITOH (Professor, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University) Noriaki HAMADA (Professor, Faculty of Science, Tokyo University of Science) Tamio OGUCHI (Professor, Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, Hiroshima University)NOTE THAT E-MAIL ADDRESSES HAVE BEEN MODIFIED!!! 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