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Up Directory CCL 07.05.14 7th IEEE Int Symp on Cluster Computing on the Grid CCGrid 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Nov 1 11:31:39 2006
Subject: 07.05.14 7th IEEE Int Symp on Cluster Computing on the Grid CCGrid 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Cluster
Computing and the Grid  CCGrid 2007
         Rio de Janeiro - Brazil / May 14-17, 2007 

CCGrid 2007 is the seventh in a series of successful international symposia 
and for the first time will take place in South America  in 
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  (Please notice that a visa is required for 
some travelers to Brazil, including U.S. and Canadian citizens. 
More information about visas and passport here.)

Grid Computing started as a generalization of Cluster Computing, 
promising to deliver unprecedent levels of parallelism to 
high-performance applications by crossing administrative boundaries. 
Subsequently, this vision evolved to support on-demand access and 
composition of any computational service, provided by multiple 
independent sources. Under this new vision, Clusters gained renewed 
importance as the "super-servers" of the emerging Grid infrastructure. 
Meanwhile, the use of computational and data resources in 
high-performance applications, undertaken over Grid infrastructure, 
have started to now become a reality. Today we face the huge challenge 
of making on-demand access to any computational service, the 
"computing as service" vision, a wide-spread reality. The CCGrid 
Symposia have been part of this journey, bringing together researchers 
and practitioners and enabling them to share their insight, results, 
and experience in the multi-faceted areas of Grid and Cluster computing.

The areas of interest in CCGrid 2007 include, but are not limited to, 
the following:
 Grid Economies and Service Architectures 	
 Grid Architectures and Systems
 Utility Computing Models for Clusters and Grids 	
 Middleware for Clusters and Grids
 Programming Models, Tools, and Environments 	
 Resource Management
 Performance Evaluation and Modeling 	
 Peer-to-Peer Systems
 Grid-based Problem Solving Environments 	
 Grid Trust and Security
 Service Composition and Orchestration 	
 Community networks
 Community and collaborative computing networks 	
 Scheduling and Load Balancing
 Scientific, Engineering, and Commercial Applications 	
 Parallel and Wide-Area File Systems
 Support for Self-Managing/Self-Configuring Grid Infrastructure 	 

Selected papers will be invited to a Special Issue of Concurrency and 
Computation: Practice and Experience.
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Modified: Wed Nov 1 16:31:39 2006 GMT
Page accessed 6734 times since Wed Nov 1 16:31:40 2006 GMT

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