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Up Directory CCL 07.06.28 The Mid-West Theory Conference 2007: First Announcement
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Dec 2 12:33:35 2006
Subject: 07.06.28 The Mid-West Theory Conference 2007: First Announcement

We are pleased to announce that the 39th Midwest Conference on Theoretical 
Chemistry will be held at Indiana University in Bloomington June 28-30, 2007. 

Since their initiation at the University of Chicago in 1967, the Midwest 
theory meetings have provided us with an opportunity to celebrate 
theoretical chemistry in the Midwestern states. We hope to continue this 
tradition in 2007 in the beautiful Bloomington campus of Indiana University. 
As customary, the meeting will run from Thursday evening (June 28) to 
Saturday afternoon (June 30). There will be 4-5 plenary lectures that 
will be spread through the conference, providing ample opportunity for the 
younger scientists, particularly graduate students and post-docs, to give 
shorter contributed talks or posters. 

A second announcement will follow soon after the list of plenary speakers 
is confirmed and directions for enrollment and title/abstract submissions 
will appear early in 2007. We hope that you and your group members will 
plan to make yourself available to attend this conference. The success of 
this conference comes from the broad level of participation from the 
Midwestern theory groups that provides invaluable experience and exposure, 
particularly to graduate students and post-docs.

We look forward to what we hope will be an exciting meeting and hope to 
see you all in Bloomington June 28-30, 2007.

Best wishes,

Srinivasan Iyengar and Krishnan Raghavachari

Srinivasan S. Iyengar                                          
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry,  
Indiana University,                                            
Bloomington, IN  47405-7102                             
(812) 856-1875                                                                        

Krishnan Raghavachari
Professor, Department of Chemistry
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN  47405-7102
Phone: (812) 856-1766

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Modified: Sat Dec 2 17:33:36 2006 GMT
Page accessed 7426 times since Sat Dec 2 17:28:15 2006 GMT

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