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Up Directory CCL 07.04.02 ECCC11 - The 11th Electronic Computational Chemistry Conference
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Dec 20 09:12:59 2006
Subject: 07.04.02 ECCC11 - The 11th Electronic Computational Chemistry Conference
Dear colleagues,

We are very pleased to invite your participation in the
11th Electronic Computational Chemistry Conference.
ECCC11 will be held April 2-30 2007, entirely on the
Internet, at

As with the previous ten ECCCs, ECCC11 has NO registration
fee and is a completely virtual, online conference.

The ECCC is a multidisciplinary, international conference
and spans all aspects of computational and theoretical
chemistry and materials science, as well as computational
molecular biology, computational and theoretical molecular
and atomic physics, visualization, cheminformatics, the history
of computational chemistry, computational chemistry and education,
and all related fields.

Participants will be able to view the
presentations and discuss them entirely through a web browser.
The ECCC was originally developed by Steven Bachrach, who
also organized the first five meetings.

Abstracts for all contributions to ECCC11 will be
peer-reviewed to insure novelty, scientific value,
and appopriateness for inclusion in the conference.
This peer review is directed by members of the
ECCC11 Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC).
The ECCC11 SOC members are:

Olga Dmitrenko, University of Delaware (Co-Chair)
Robert Topper, Monmouth University (Co-Chair)

Noah W. Allen, University of North Carolina-Asheville (USA)
Thomas R. Cundari, University of North Texas (USA)
Walter M. F. Fabian, Karl-Franzens Universitt Graz (Austria)
John McKelvey, McKelvey Computational Chemistry (USA)
Sudhakar V. Pamidighantam, National Center for Supercomputing Applications (USA)
Jens Spanget-Larsen, Roskilde University (Denmark)

Following peer review of the abstracts and commencement of ECCC11,
we plan to publish a virtual online booklet of the accepted
abstracts online. All presentations must be made in HTML format
and should be viewable with any web browser (PDF and
unconverted PowerPoint presentations are not permitted).
Ideally the authors will take full advantage of the
interactive nature of the World-Wide Web (using animations,
hyperactive molecules, etc. and including links to any
necessary plug-ins) to present their findings and conclusions.
Authors may choose to either serve their contributions
from their own local web site, or may request us to
serve them from our own server. Uploaded contributions
will be removed from our server at the end of ECCC11.

As in the previous three conferences, a single
weeklong "interactive" session will be part of the conference.
This session will be held via asynchronous posting of
questions to the conference site, which authors can choose
to receive either at the site, at their personal email
account, or both. All authors must commit to having at least
one coauthor available to answer questions (i.e. by
checking the discussion board at least once daily)
during the "interactive" session to provide timely
responses (within approximately 24 hours) to any
questions that conferees may have about their online

Outstanding presentations will be judged by the SOC
and considered for special recognition based on their
scientific merit and originality, and for high quality
integration of multimedia techniques in the presentation.

Important dates for ECCC11 are:

December 1, 2006 - Registration (free) for ECCC11 begins
January 28, 2007 - Abstracts must be submitted on the
conference website
March 23, 2007 - Accepted presentations must be online and URL submitted
April 2, 2007 - ECCC11 begins
April 16, 2007 - Interactive Session begins
April 23, 2007 - Interactive Session ends
April 30, 2007 - Last day of ECCC11

As mentioned above, all ECCC11 presentations must be in HTML format,
with their layout and presentation at the discretion of the authors.

We greatly look forward to your participation in ECCC11,
and ask you to please encourage your colleagues and
students to participate in what should be an excellent meeting!

Thanks for your support of the ECCC.

Robert Q. Topper
Dept of Chemistry, Medical Technology and Physics
Monmouth University
Thomas A. Edison Hall of Science
West Long Branch, NJ 07764-1898
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Modified: Wed Dec 20 14:12:59 2006 GMT
Page accessed 7696 times since Wed Dec 20 14:07:34 2006 GMT

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