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Up Directory CCL 07.05.27 Conference on Isotopes and Isotope Effects, Benicassim (Castelln, Spain)
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Feb 2 09:27:19 2007
Subject: 07.05.27 Conference on Isotopes and Isotope Effects, Benicassim (Castelln, Spain)
Conference on Isotopes and Isotope Effects
May 27 to June 1, 2007
Benicassim (Castelln, Spain)

We are organizing a multidisciplinary international conference that seeks
to foster research involving isotopes and isotope effects within Europe 
by bringing together leading scientists across a range of areas of natural 
science from across the world on the science of isotopes. 
This will be the fifth conference in an informal series of successful 
meetings that started in Carry-le-Rouet (France, 1999) and continued in 
Zakopane (Poland, 2001) Uppsala (Sweden, 2003) and Bath (United Kingdom, 2005).

The meeting will be held in Benicassim (Castelln, Spain), 
from May 27 to June 1, 2007, and we would very much like you 
to participate in this meeting.

Please visit our website for more detailed information
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Modified: Sat Feb 3 01:08:16 2007 GMT
Page accessed 6545 times since Fri Feb 2 14:24:15 2007 GMT

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