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Up Directory CCL 07.06.25 eCheminfo Drug Discovery Design Workshop Week, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Feb 3 07:06:47 2007
Subject: 07.06.25 eCheminfo Drug Discovery Design Workshop Week, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
We are holding an eCheminfo Drug Discovery Workshop week at the Chemical 
Research Laboratory, Oxford University the week of 25-29 June 2007.  

The approach will be hands-on using an IT classroom and a set of workshops 
led by application scientists using leading drug discovery software 
packages. Each workshop will be accompanied by practitioner-led 
discussions of the methods worked on by the group.  

Topics to be covered: Virtual Screening & Docking; Structure-based Drug 
Design; Ligand Optimisation & Library Design; Structure Search, 
Similarity and Property Estimation; Data Mining, Analysis & Visualisation; 
Integration of Cheminformatics & Bioinformatics Tools & Data; Latest 
advances in ADME & Predictive Toxicology; Pharmacokinetics & 
Pharmacodynamics and Physiological-based Simulation.

More information:
Program & Schedule with Abstracts & Bios:
Program (as pdf):
News Updates on Cheminfostream Blog:

A Bursary Award sponsored by Chemical Computing Group (CCG) will be used 
to support the attendance of one academic participant at the Drug 
Discovery workshop week. You may be working in any area of research 
related to drug discovery. To apply for the bursary please send an email 
with a) description of your research; your training needs (ca. 500 words 
each), b) your CV to echeminfo [-at]- by 28 February. 
The recipient of the award will be selected based on an evaluation of the 
quality and innovation of the described research and the potential 
positive impact of the training on their research progress and will be 
notified by 15 March. We gratefully acknowledge the sponsorship support 
of CCG. 

If interested, please make your reservation early as the size of the 
group is limited.  

Contact e-mail Address: echeminfo [-at-]

best regards
Barry Hardy
eCheminfo Community of Practice Manager

Barry Hardy, PhD
Douglas Connect
Zeiningen, CH-4314
Tel: +41 61 851 0170
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Modified: Sat Feb 3 12:06:47 2007 GMT
Page accessed 7590 times since Sat Feb 3 12:02:21 2007 GMT

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