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Up Directory CCL 07.05.23 Embrace Workshop on Bioclipse 2007 (EWB 07), BMC, Uppsala University, Sweden
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Feb 19 07:06:29 2007
Subject: 07.05.23 Embrace Workshop on Bioclipse 2007 (EWB 07), BMC, Uppsala University, Sweden
Embrace Workshop on Bioclipse 2007 (EWB 07) will take place May 23-25 2007
at Uppsala Biomedical Centre (BMC), Uppsala, Sweden

Bioclipse is an open source workbench for chemo- and bioinformatics with rich functionality for molecules, sequences, proteins, spectra, and scripts. Bioclipse has advanced plugin architecture which facilitates integration of new functionality, such as algorithms, editors, visualizations, Web services, and third party applications. The Workshop will consist of lectures and hands-on labs to demonstrate the features of Bioclipse, the power of the plugin architecture, and how to integrate new features into the framework.

Participation in the workshop is free of charge!

Plese see the workshop homepage: for more information.

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Modified: Mon Feb 19 12:06:29 2007 GMT
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