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Up Directory CCL 07.08.05 International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry (ISPC), San Francisco
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Feb 28 21:04:56 2007
Subject: 07.08.05 International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry (ISPC), San Francisco
Call for Papers

International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry (ISPC)
2007 Summer Symposium

August 5th-9th 2007

University of San Francisco

We invite submissions for the 11th International Society for the
Philosophy of Chemistry Summer Symposium.  This year the symposium
will be August 5th-9th at the University of San Francisco (USF).
The ISPC Summer Symposium is an interdisciplinary conference held
every August as part of the International Society for the
Philosophy of Chemistry's ( ) mission to
promote the "international exchange of ideas concerning the
philosophical foundations of the chemical sciences and related
areas."  The conference organizers welcome papers from
philosophers, chemists, biochemists, historians, sociologists,
educators and others who are interested in this dynamic and
developing field.  We are pleased to announce that this year's
Keynote Speaker will be Jerome A. Berson, Professor Emeritus of
Chemistry at Yale University and author of Chemical Creativity:
Ideas from the Work of Woodward, Meerwein, and Hueckel and Chemical
Discovery and the Logicians' Program: A Problematic Pairing.

Registration and Abstract Submission:
To register and/or submit an abstract for the symposium go to or if you prefer you can
send the forms below to Tami Spector at or via
Fax (415) 422-5157 by May 1, 2007. Times New Roman font (1.5 line
spacing; size 12) are recommended.

The University of San Francisco (USF) is a private Jesuit
University located in the heart of San Francisco, California.  For
more detailed information about USF and its environs please see . Please see
for information about on-campus housing.  At present 45 single and
15 double rooms are being held for the symposium attendees at
Loyola Village.  The rates for these rooms are:

Single Occupancy - $66/night
Double Occupancy - $98/night ($49 per person/night)

For those who would rather stay off campus we recommend the
following lodgings within walking distance of USF (please contact
them directly for rates and reservations):

Stanyan Park Hotel ( )
Laurel Motor Inn ( )

The symposium is being co-organized by Tami Spector (USF Professor
of Chemistry) and David Stump (USF Associate Professor of
Philosophy).  Questions regarding the symposium should be sent to

International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry
2007 Summer Symposium

University of San Francisco
August 5th-9th, 2007

Abstract Form


Title of Paper:____________________________________________________

Presenting Author's Address:

Affiliation: _____________________

Street: _____________________

City:   _____________________

State/ZIP:      _____________________

Country:        _____________________

Principle Author(s) contact information:
Phone:  _____________________   FAX:    _____________________

e-mail: _____________________

Abstract ( ~150-250 words):

International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry
2007 Summer Symposium

University of San Francisco
August 5th-9th, 2007

Registration Form

Name: _____________________________

Accompanying Person(s): _________________

Affiliation: _____________________

Street: _____________________

City:   _____________________

State/ZIP:      _____________________

Country:        _____________________

Contact information:

Phone:  _____________________   FAX:    _____________________

e-mail: _____________________

I wish to reserve a room on Campus:

(  ) single room

(  ) double room

I will need a parking:

(  ) yes        (  ) no

Please send this form as an attachment to Tami Spector at  or via fax:  415 422-5157


David J. Stump
Department of Philosophy, USF
2130 Fulton Street, San Francisco, CA  94117 USA
VOICE:  (415) 422-6153    FAX:  (415) 422-5356
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Modified: Thu Mar 1 02:04:57 2007 GMT
Page accessed 6957 times since Thu Mar 1 02:04:58 2007 GMT

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